aaaand once again my willpower has left the building

Oct 17, 2012 19:53

Made the mistake of listening to a couple of my Glee vidsongs while doing the dinner dishes and now I cannot get them out of my head. Which is a problem, because I still have papers to grade and I need to focus, but I can't stop mentally running through the audio edits I've already made and dithering about whether I should shift the location of the cut in the bridge and/or trim the second verse intro from eight bars to four and DID I MENTION I HAVE PAPERS TO GRADE?


I am now actively hoping that we have terrible weather this weekend (in fact it looks like it's going to be perfect cleaning-up-the-garden weather, dammit) so that I have an excuse to hunker down at the computer and try to get some clips on the timeline.

I cannot even tell you how jealous I am of writers who can just jot down little snippets of prose as they occur to them. Goddamn vidding. Of all the things I could do in fandom, I had to pick THIS stupid thing. WHAT WAS I THINKING. NO, SERIOUSLY. WHAT.

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teaching, tv: glee, vidding: process

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