two vids I love

Oct 11, 2011 23:50

sdwolfpup has finally posted her epic Wire vid of unadulterated awesomeness. It is set to Talib Kweli's "Beautiful Struggle," thus combining an amazing show and an amazing song into something that is somehow even greater than the sum of its parts. I have so many thoughts about this vid that I literally don't know where to begin, so that will have to wait for another day. All I can say is that you should go watch it. It's heartbreaking and hopeful and angry and thoughtful and -- basically, my life is a lot better because this vid exists. Seeing it come into being over the past few weeks has been a humbling experience and a tremendous joy. Go watch.

2. Over at vid_commentary, I've just posted my commentary on
kass's "Becoming Brothers," one of my favorite Friday Night Lights vids.

An excerpt:I think this vid is a masterclass in minimalism and narrative economy. It's a tiny little vid, less than a minute and thirty seconds long, beautiful in its simplicity and devastating in its precision.

Even if you're not a fan of FNL, this vid is worth watching just to admire how deftly the storytelling is handled. As someone who's tended toward sprawling over-the-top vids in recent years, I admire this vid's restraint so much.

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