Day 26: What is the oddest (or most fun) thing you've had to do for a vid?
I'm... not sure? Vidding itself is so weird that I'm not entirely sure what counts as odd! I guess most of the things I think of as odd have to do with special effects somehow, which says something about my feelings re: special effects. Heh.
Getting rid of the talky-face scientist in New Frontier's spinny brain shot was pretty odd: I had to mask out the character and then mask back in a slowed-down clip of him from a separate bit of the scene where he's not talking, which was a trick because there's only about five frames where he's not talking, and then I had to motion-control the pieces so the splice wouldn't be too obvious. Learning to animate displacement maps was pretty weird (but also cool!) -- that was for The Test. Recreating the Heroes and Firefly credits for People Get Ready and Blind Hope: both odd and fun.
Something that I think of as entirely routine but that other people might find odd: making lists of how many clips each character in an ensemble vid gets, so that I can try to balance them out across the vid.
I have an even harder time picking out most fun, because what's fun depends so much on the individual vid. Learning stuff is fun for me. Clipping can be lots of fun, though it can also be a pain. Spending time with characters I love is fun. I guess the one constant is that finding the right clip for a major moment and then nailing the timing for that clip, so that something happens right with the music and it feels like they were always meant to be together, is one of the greatest feelings I know; it's one of the main things that keeps me coming back to vids and vidding.
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