The VVC auction vidders have been posted! And I have ideas that I want vidded in fandoms that are being offered! And they're not even cracked-out LKBV ideas, although obviously I have paid money for the execution of such ideas at
certain times in the past. Ahem. Apparently I'm growing as a person?
I've got:
- a Dollhouse vid idea that I will never make but someone ought to;
- a Sarah Connor Chronicles vid song that I love but don't quite know what to do with;
- two BSG ideas (one about Six and religion and apocalypse, one about the pilots) that I will probably never get around to because I'm still too annoyed at the show; and
- four (!) Veronica Mars ideas (Veronica character study, Veronica/Logan 'shippy-but-cranky vid, cheery friendship vid, bleak gen vid) that I actually would like to vid but that are so far down the queue I won't be getting to any of them any time soon (and with four, I can happily give one away and still have plenty left if I ever do get back to the show).
And I've got some money, but probably not enough money to buy
greensilver, or
sweetestdrain by myself, because vidders that awesome don't come cheap.
So who wants to collaborate on buying a vidder? I am happy to share details of any of these ideas (including the songs) with prospective collaborators; we can either pick a particular idea or focus on a particular vidder and then throw songs at her and see if anything clicks. Comment here, or email me at heresluck at gmail dot com.