vid commentary and vid recs

Sep 08, 2009 19:06

So! Hi. I have been more or less out of commission, fannishly speaking, for about six months now, with the exception of VividCon, which I LOVED; I was (and am) so grateful to have had that break from the vidless desert that my life has been for much too long.

In the wake of VVC, I resolved that 1) I am going to get back to watching vids and sending feedback, dammit; 2) I am going to finally start getting my existing (and forthcoming) vid recs ported over to a new system; and 3) I am going to post fannish content again, because wow, I miss that.

The vid recs are very much a WIP, but they exist; they're over at my delicious account. The tagging system is also a WIP, but it seems to be working so far. Right now it's a mix of vids I've actually recced and vids tagged "to:rec" because I remember I liked them and want to rec them but haven't yet rewatched and my memory is completely unreliable at this point. Anyway! For what it's worth, there you go.

As for fannish content, much of it will probably be dorktastic enthusiasm about Leverage, light on substance and heavy on !!!s and capslock, because that show is pushing a lot of my happy buttons these days. But I would also like to talk about vidding! Because, let's face it, I always want to talk about vidding. (Sometimes I want to talk about it more than I want to do it, but that is a post for another day.) And deathisyourart is running this totally awesome vid_commentary community! The current challenge is vidder/viewer commentary, where vidders sign up to do commentaries on vids they've made, and then viewers can sign up as well; the ideal is for a given vid to get both vidder and viewer commentary.

It occurred to me that the last time I solicited questions for vid commentaries, I actually promised commentary on "Out Here" and/or "In the Mirror," and then I... never got around to it. So I am thinking of offering to do commentary on one of those vids (possibly in audio form, because I so enjoyed obsessive24's audio commentary on "New Dawn Fades"), and wanted to know: would anybody be interested in doing viewer commentary on either of these vids? Or, heck, on any of the other vids I haven't already done commentaries for - "Nothing New," "Sea Fever"? If so, let me know - I'd love company.

vids: recs, vids: commentaries

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