new vid: "Strength in You" (Gilmore Girls)

Aug 21, 2008 21:24

From the VividCon 2008 Premieres show:

title: Strength in You
source: Gilmore Girls
music: Kim Richey, "Strength in You"
format: XviD, 37 MB
summary: I swear I'll be there forever. Gilmore Girls seasons 1-3: Rory + Lorelai = BFF.
location: download at my site

For downloaders: The vid file is zipped; if right-click + "save as" is giving you trouble, try simply left-clicking and you should be good to go.

Warning: if you're expecting a thinky vid, this ain't it.

Thanks are due to renenet, who provided hilarious beta in the form of A Taxonomy Of Hugs; to fan_eunice, sisabet, pipsqueaky, and dualbunny for cheerleading; and to nestra for encouraging the idea of a GG vid pretty much every time I mentioned it, starting when I first fell for the show three years ago.

The bit with the cutoffs and cowboy boots is especially for sisabet. The hugs and the thing at the end... well, you'll see.

password: gilmores

All feedback and comments are welcome, either here or via email (heresluck at gmail dot com).

vids: announcements, tv: gilmore girls, vid: strength in you, vividcon

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