I'm watching the last three episodes of The Wire tonight and am pausing before watching the finale.
First reactions:
Omar's death kind of undid me. I had to pause and gape at the screen for a while. The Wire kind of specializes in subverting heroism, even tragic heroism, with pointless violence whose pointlessness is thereby made apparent, but this... I just kept thinking, "Not Omar." Which is the point, of course; Omar doesn't get to be an exception just because we wanted it. But I wanted it so badly.
Gus investigating Templeton fills me with righteous glee. Greggs walking in to tell Daniels about what McNulty's been up to was a great moment, and very welcome; it broke my heart when Freamon went along with Jimmy, and having Greggs do the right thing makes me feel a little better. (And her scene with Carver! God, Carver has come a long way, hasn't he?) Daniels and Pearlman are awesome together, as usual; I love their tracking down the phone, confirming what's been going on. And seeing Namond and Coleman again made me so happy; Namond! in a suit! being all articulate! - which of course highlights, in this terribly painful way, what's happened to Dukie and Michael. And thinking about Bubbles as Dukie's future is just making me want to weep for both of them.
Oh god, this show.