Heroes 2x07 "Out of Time"

Nov 05, 2007 21:01

Several things about this ep annoyed me (I know Niki has not always been the poster child for clear and logical thinking, but I am unhappy about making her egregiously stupid for the sake of the plot, plus Claire's storyline continues to give me hives, plus Mohinder reverting to pretty but stupid irks me, and wow, that "morally gray" exchange was excessively on-the-nose even for a show whose dialogue is not large with the subtle, and... really, I could go on), but:

1) D.L.! I would be happier if he weren't dead, to the point that I'm holding out hope that he isn't really (hey, I can dream), but I was happy to see him again, even though I'm pissed that he was part of the whole making-Niki-look-stupid thing.

2) Matt neutralizes his dad and saves Molly! And does so with insight rather than violence, which makes me happy. I loved seeing him refuse to get sucked back into the dysfunctional family dynamic.

3) We have Hiro back in our timeline! And he seems to have left his emo in 1670s Japan! ...although the news of Kaito's death may have brought it back. Still! Hiro + Ando = yay!

4) That reveal at the end? Wow. I am officially experiencing renewed interest in the show. I mean, it was no future!Hiro appearing to Peter in the subway, but it snapped several storylines together in a way that seems potentially very promising.

5) Overall, this is the first ep this season that I find myself actually wanting to rewatch.

ETA: 6) That shot of Bennet with the flames from the burning paintings reflected in his glasses!

In conclusion: a (qualified) yay! from me.

tv: heroes

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