DivX versions posted: Superstar and Come On

Feb 09, 2007 14:00

I revised both of these vids a few years ago, so I haven't made any additional changes - just finally got around to exporting high-quality versions. Both are available at the paper cup vids page, which unfortunately is having some aesthetic difficulties (note to self: don't fiddle with CSS code while trying to pay attention to renenet's disquisitions on library computer use and the First Amendment) that I have been unable to fix today because my computer is having Blue Screen of Death issues.

I'm 1) hoping that an XP reinstall will fix whatever's ailing the poor computer, 2) glad that I have a separate vidding drive, and 3) glad that I've gotten all the important documents and settings on the main drive backed up in the last few weeks. If I had to completely wipe the drive and start over, it'd be a pain in the ass, of course, but I *could* do it.

And on that note, I'm off to look up XP crash codes.

vids: announcements, computer, vid: superstar, vid: come on

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