CSA* box: salad days

Jun 13, 2006 18:25

And so the adventure begins.

This week's box: easter egg radishes (remarkably sweet for their size), purple scallions, sage, baby bok choi, mustard greens, galisse lettuce, baby spinach, and lots of salad mix.

I am very pleased.

I'm using the mustard greens and some of the spinach to make saag paneer for dinner (since I have about ten pounds of paneer in the freezer, la la la), and am contemplating the possibility of a bok choi and radish stir-fry tomorrow, probably with noodle cake since I haven't made that in a while and was craving it recently.

And wow am I going to be eating a lot of salad. Which is fine; it's getting hot enough that some days all I want for dinner is a salad and a pint of milk.

* CSA, for those of you perplexed by the acronym, stands for Community Supported Agriculture - a system wherein one pays a local farmer a set rate at the beginning of the season and then picks up a box of veggies every week through early autumn. What's in the box is determined by what the farmer grows - there's no saying "But I don't want that many beets..." - so it's not for the faint of heart, but it's a sure source of fresh, local, organic produce and a great way to eat vegetables at the peak of their respective seasons.


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