suggestions needed: symbol & metaphor vidshow

May 23, 2006 15:39

[x-posted to vividcon, vidding, and my LJ]

I'm looking for vid recs for the Symbol & Metaphor vidshow at VividCon. Since the current description is a bit cryptic, I thought I'd elaborate...

Vids can incorporate symbols and metaphors in lots of different ways. Some possibilities I've thought of:
  • The vid uses key symbolic visuals from within the source: arrow of Apollo and other religious iconography (Battlestar Galactica), claddaugh ring (BtVS), rock-paper-scissors (Farscape), snake tattoo (Invisible Man), cross (X-Files, BtVS, probably other shows as well), bracelet/witchblade (Witchblade), etc.
  • The vid gives symbolic weight to objects or events whose significance isn't necessarily obvious in the original source: the polar bears in sisabet's "Icebound Stream" both stand for and illuminate the characters of Fraser and Victoria.
  • The song establishes a metaphor that the vid illustrates: in laurashapiro's "Late Model Love," driving=dating (and poor Buffy has bad luck with both).
  • The vid turns not-obviously-metaphorical elements of the song into metaphors by linking them with particular visuals.
...and I'm sure there are other possibilities I haven't thought of.

Call my attention to your own vids, somebody else's vids, a vid you think I've probably seen but might not have thought of in this context, whatever. I'm especially interested in recommendations (and explanations!) for anime vids, but I'm grateful for any and all suggestions, either as a comment to this post or via the suggestion form.

Many thanks!


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