Yeah, so, I've been meaning to leave feedback for this vid for um...[glances at watch]...two months now? (I am so awesome!) And I swore to myself that I'd have it in front of me so as to leave a more coherent comment, but between your commentary and the fact that I watch this vid LIKE IT'S MY JOB, that is no longer necessary. Let the work procrastination begin!
sdwolfpup and I have discussed how we're the kind of folks who approach vids first and foremost through music, and this vid is a fantastic example of the battle I constantly have in my brain: I know I love a vid, but I can't decide if I love it more for the vid itself or for the music. This arises when a) a vid is just so brilliantly edited, b) the song choice for said vid is perfect, and c) the song happens to be quite amazing on its own. You win on all fronts. (GO YOU.) I constantly find myself singing this at random times throughout the day (particularly to say I knew exactly what I'm doing would be lying which is not only true, but deliciously fun), and I always see the vid in my
( ... )
God, this song. It really is terrific for Jaye, isn't it? I've had this CD for years but didn't remember the song until I was playing it on a lark one day and said "wait -- what is Jaye doing in my stereo?" The soaring baby is seriously the cheapest joke ever. I still laugh at that part myself; glad you like it too. *g*
You're so right about this vid being exactly what it is; I'd just come off making one very intense vid and was ramping up for the next one, and this idea was the perfect change of pace. It's just... Jaye, in all her feckless glory and nutcase charm; I'm so glad that that came across! And I am just more pleased than I can say to get such a lovely comment about the vid, because it continues to be one that I enjoy a lot and am still very pleased about, and your affection for it makes me smile and smile.
Did you hear that? That was the sound of my jaw dropping (and hitting the desk. Um, ow?)
That could possibly be the coolest frakking thing I hear all year. (And he even has 2 of my FTM buddies lj-friended. WE'RE ALL CONNECTED!) Thank you so much for mentioning it! I'm all fuzzy inside with squee. [gives you a gold star]
sdwolfpup and I have discussed how we're the kind of folks who approach vids first and foremost through music, and this vid is a fantastic example of the battle I constantly have in my brain: I know I love a vid, but I can't decide if I love it more for the vid itself or for the music. This arises when a) a vid is just so brilliantly edited, b) the song choice for said vid is perfect, and c) the song happens to be quite amazing on its own. You win on all fronts. (GO YOU.) I constantly find myself singing this at random times throughout the day (particularly to say I knew exactly what I'm doing would be lying which is not only true, but deliciously fun), and I always see the vid in my ( ... )
You're so right about this vid being exactly what it is; I'd just come off making one very intense vid and was ramping up for the next one, and this idea was the perfect change of pace. It's just... Jaye, in all her feckless glory and nutcase charm; I'm so glad that that came across! And I am just more pleased than I can say to get such a lovely comment about the vid, because it continues to be one that I enjoy a lot and am still very pleased about, and your affection for it makes me smile and smile.
Well, this *vid* makes me smile and smile (as do you!), so we're even ;-)
Did you hear that? That was the sound of my jaw dropping (and hitting the desk. Um, ow?)
That could possibly be the coolest frakking thing I hear all year. (And he even has 2 of my FTM buddies lj-friended. WE'RE ALL CONNECTED!) Thank you so much for mentioning it! I'm all fuzzy inside with squee. [gives you a gold star]
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