mine eyes have seen the glory...

Mar 29, 2005 17:37

Today's act of frivolity: making an angel food cake (with the egg whites leftover from making a gold cake a few days ago). Mmm, cake.

This reminded me of a conversation about cake that transpired around here a few weeks ago:

here's luck: I think I'm going to make a cake tomorrow.
truepenny: Yes please!
h.l: Chocolate cake. With chocolate mint frosting.
t: It's not like we're going to chain ourselves to the stand mixer to stop you.
mirrorthaw: Chain ourselves to the stand mixer and sing "Solidarity Forever"?
h.l: "We Shall Not Be Moved."
h.l: "This Little Stand Mixer of Mine." "Shall We Gather at the Stand Mixer."
t: "If I Had A Stand Mixer."
h.l: Heh.
t: "I'd mix cake in the morning, I'd mix cake in the evening, all over this land."
m: "Come gather you people wherever you roam, and admit that the cakes around you have grown...."
h.l: "Swing Low, Sweet Stand Mixer."
m: "This cake is your cake, this cake is my cake..."
t: "All we are saying-"
h.l: "-is give cake a chance."

I mean, we could go on. "Battle Hymn of the Stand Mixer." "Wouldn't Take Nothin' For My Stand Mixer Now." "The Old Rugged Stand Mixer." "House of the Rising Stand Mixer."

Okay, okay, I'll stop.

funny, house of geeks, quotable

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