a short note on "Crime Dog" (Wonderfalls 1.05)

Feb 26, 2005 22:06

I think possibly my favorite thing about this episode, although I have many favorite things, is that, despite the ostensibly conventional Happy Family breakfast scene that ends the episode, the whole point of the Cindy/Yvette plot is that biological family is not always good for you. Cindy gets taken "home"...and finds out that yeah, actually, she was right to get the hell out of there when she did. Who a family "is" in the technical sense matters less than what people do for each other. Family isn't something you just have; it's something you make through kindness.

This theme crops up in various ways, and with various degrees of explicitness, in all the Mutant Enemy shows as well, and I respond to it every. single. time. The contrast in "Safe" (Firefly) between Mal and Mr. Tam in terms of how they respond to Simon and River? Pushes all the same buttons for me. It even ends with the same kind of scene: a shared meal.

I am so predictable.

tv: wonderfalls

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