conference report

Feb 12, 2005 23:21

This post is for coffee_and_ink.

Got back this evening from the Albuquerque conference where faith_delivers and another colleague and I presented papers on BtVS. We all agreed that we had the best BtVS panel there (and there were lots- BtVS was the theme of the SFF strand of the conference). There were two other papers that were as good as ours, or nearly so, but each of them was stranded on a panel with bad and/or crazy presentations. There were two presentations that were thought-provoking and occasionally very insightful, but were pretty incoherent as papers, i.e. the insights didn't really add up to anything beyond "see? isn't that cool?" And then there were the bad and/or crazy papers, about which the less said the better.

In conclusion: we rock.

academia: fannish

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