"I'm glad your sense of the absurd is still functional."

Dec 26, 2004 22:26

I'm at renenet's. We just cobbled together a bed for me: two lumpy futon mattresses on top of a futon frame with an annoying bar down the middle (the second mattress to mitigate the bar factor). "I won't even add a pea!" she said brightly. The mattress combination looked, as I pointed out, rather like a cake gone bad -- you know, the kind that's collapsed in the middle. So I stuffed some throw pillows in between the mattresses and now it looks fine. We'll see how it is to sleep on. It was the fact of stuffing the bed (like a giant evil green calzone!) that caused me to collapse laughing, prompting renenet to make the observation that headlines this post. And now she's giving me the good comforter because, as she says, "the floral one would look silly." Which, agreed. But, you know, I think that floral comforter is what I was sitting on, or under, back in September 2001 when I asked her to tell me about Buffy the Vampire Slayer, so I have a certain affection for it. Which is just weird, because man, it is one silly floral comforter.

And now I'm going to sleep, because I'm getting picked up at 6:15 to go to the airport to go to Philly for 8 interviews in three days, including one tomorrow afternoon. Four o'clock interview after being up since 5:30! Oh, this should be fun.

I am going to be so unbelievably ready to do that year-end vid meme of sisabet's when I get back. That and sleep. And possibly drink.

Wish me luck. Even if you don't care about academic employment in the abstract, think of it this way: real job offer means finishing dissertation (which means more free time) and also means real paycheck (which means new computer and improved state of mind), which adds up to the possibility that I might vid again before I grow old and die!

Well, we can hope, anyway.

renenet: You were just posting to LJ, weren't you.
here's luck: Um... yeah.
r: Uh-huh. Did it have anything to do with me?
h.l: Maybe.
r: Oh for- I'm going to water my nose before I go see what you did.

favorites!, academia: job market, quotable

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