well, that was interesting.

Nov 08, 2004 20:09

Had a job interview in Minneapolis, which seems to have gone fine. I think. Maybe. Oh, whatever.

The highlight of the trip was hanging out with katallison, lapillus, and jackiekjono, who picked me up from my hotel and took me back to Chez Kat for dinner, where we munched on olives and crackers and cheese and then Kat got out the polenta lasagne, which was very tasty, and - this was the best part - roasted root vegetables. Kat made me roasted root vegetables. It's like she knows me! There were potatoes, and butternut squash, and red onion, and red pepper, and I think some other stuff, and fennel. Fennel! I was so pleased. One of the things that most annoys me about travelling is that it's hard to get enough vegetables, so this was perfect. Yum. Also, now I owe Kat dinner.

And then we watched vids-in-progress. I need to see Joan of Arc. Chopping off the braid! Gah!

This morning I got up early and "biked" for a while - lame-ass stationary bike claimed I did the equivalent of twelve miles, which I am morally certain is not the case; based on the time I'm guessing it was more like eight. Anyway. Between that and eating a breakfast that resembled my usual breakfast I was feeling semi-normal, right up to the point at which the interviews started at 8:30. Had seven half-hour interviews in a row and then a long lunch-that's-really-a-continuation-of-the-interview. Fortunately the adrenalin kept my nasty cough at bay. Equally fortunately, I got to spend the subsequent four hours by myself in my car. Being on without sarcasm for five and a half hours straight really takes it out of me.

Drove home at various highly illegal speeds, singing at the top of my lungs pretty much the whole way, which come to think of it is how I drove up, too.

Car music, for the record:
Garrison Star, Songs From Takeoff to Landing
Jimmy Eat World, Futures - there are almost not words for how much I am loving this album.
Amber, Amber
random selections of dance music on the other side of the tape
Pet Shop Boys, Discography (first half)


Pet Shop Boys, Discography (second half)
Pet Shop Boys selections '93 - '99 (from Very, Bilingual, Nightlife)
Bettie Serveert, Palomine - classic car music, for me; never gets old. The opening chords of "Kid's Alright" slay me every damn time.
[NPR interlude, with me humming "Tomboy" over and over in the background]
Jimmy Eat World, Futures

I read some Lynda Hull at breakfast but am too tired to post a poem now so that'll have to wait for tomorrow.

academia: job market, music

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