recipes: saag paneer and green herb tart

Jul 16, 2004 19:37

This recipe post is for melymbrosia, who ate gratifyingly large quantities of saag paneer when I made it while she was here for WisCon, and for brisingamen, who is trying to figure out more uses for chard and other greens.

saag paneer )


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Comments 17

matociquala July 17 2004, 01:01:16 UTC
for [info]melymbrosia, who ate gratifyingly large quantities of saag paneer when I made it while she was here for WisCon, and for [info]brisingamen, who is trying to figure out more uses for chard and other greens.


forgotten, unloved again.


heresluck July 17 2004, 01:21:52 UTC
Not at all -- you just haven't asked me for a recipe lately. Have you? Crap, now I'm all paranoid! If you did: quick, ask me again before I pack the cookbooks...


matociquala July 17 2004, 01:25:38 UTC
I *bought* the cookbook, remember?


I miss you already, you realize? And not just because you cook. Although I kind of wish you were here for dinner tonight.....


heresluck July 17 2004, 01:35:46 UTC
Hee -- that's right, you did buy the cookbook. So you have DM's version of the green herb tart, without my modifications! (But my modifications make it better.)

When are you coming to visit? In just a week (oh god), we'll have a guest bedroom and everything!

Or, you know, just move here! Come onnnnnnn... think how much more you can get done if you and Truepenny can just *talk* instead of typing all the damn time...


renenet July 17 2004, 04:20:55 UTC
Tart! Ohmygod, tart!



renenet July 17 2004, 04:21:33 UTC
Also, new mix from me! Yay!


matociquala July 17 2004, 14:23:22 UTC

Forgive me, but the image of your dancing around making happy faces and singing tartartart is pretty wonderful.


ex_greythist387 July 23 2004, 21:46:21 UTC
Thanks for posting these recipes. I usually cook for myself, which means putting random things together, hoping they don't turn out too bland, and not particularly minding when they do; so recipes from someone who sounds like she knows what she's doing are an excellent thing for when there are more people than just me.

I'm glad I don't have to diagram that sentence.

All best for moving house, also.


heresluck August 5 2004, 18:13:54 UTC
My usual cooks-at-home m.o. is frequently a throw-it-all-in-the-cast-iron-skillet-with-lots-of-garlic kind of thing, especially in summer when everything requires so little in the way of cooking or spicing. But I do a fair amount of Feeding Others, for which I tend to pull out the stops a bit.

If you're ever in need of a particular type of recipe, e.g. "what the hell do I do with all this squash?" or the like, just drop a line; I love foisting favorite recipes on others.

And thanks for the well-wishes re: moving house; nobody's dead of paint fumes yet and the house is still standing, so I'm calling it at least a qualified success.


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