My birthday isn't until Monday, but I believe in stretching the celebration out as long as possible on either end. And today I got some help with that: a lovely package of four (four!) different bars of fancy chocolate from
laurashapiro. I will have to have a chocolate tasting! I am very pleased.
As a matter of fact this whole day is feeling like an improbable but very welcome gift.
- My trip to the DMV to get my license renewed was remarkably quick and hassle-free, and my license photo now actually looks like me (in the old one I look 1. like my brother, and 2. really, really stoned).
- I made yummy Indian food for lunch (including mango lassi!) and
truepenny came up to share it with me.
- The main program administrator arranged for me to get paid extra for some web stuff I'm doing for the department.
- At this afternoon's meeting, one of my students saved me an Oreo and two more argued about who got to sit next to me, and my boss and I had an interesting conversation about ongoing training for writing tutors.
- After the meeting, one of my favorite professors and a favorite colleague invited me to contribute to an anthology they're putting together about the teaching of writing.
- At the Love & Lust poetry reading at The Bookstore, I ran into a bunch of women I hadn't seen in months and got to do some catching up.
- I was able to leave this evening's party before I got bored, traumatized, and/or hostile.
Plus I get to spend most of next week hanging out in Chicago with fantastic people whom I don't see nearly often enough, and feeding them chocolate cake and deep-fried cheese curds.
And I'm vidding again. It feels good. Scary to think about, messy to look at, but good to do.