Aug 23, 2012 22:09
I'm not in one of the best stages in my life at this point of time and I guess that is partly the reason as to why I've decided to move; to start a fresh journal, to leave the past behind and to look forward to life ahead. And so I apologise for those who do not have an account with Livejournal, you're just gonna have to get one if you want to continue reading the mess that is my life. This, I believe, will be better for everyone. I will now, at least, be able to decide who reads and who doesn't. And so I wouldn't need to censor anything any more because the people who shouldn't be reading, wouldn't be able to. I've never liked being told what to do - so when it came to being told what to write and what not to write, I was in a rage. I treasure what you think and what our friendship means but sometimes it just gets too much and things just cross a certain line so this is it. This is my finale to everything that has been happening and this is the beginning of something new.
There’s a point in life when you get tired of chasing everyone
and trying to fix everything, but it’s not giving up.
You have to do what’s right for you even if it hurts.
I’ve come to realize that in the end everyone
turns out to be the person they swore they’d never become.
Everything changes eventually. That's just the way life is, and you have no control over it.
Like suddenly people who you think are always going to be there, they disappear.
People die and they move away and they grow up.
To let go isn't to forget, not to think about, or ignore. It doesn't leave feelings of anger, jealousy, or regret.
Letting go isn't blocking memories or thinking sad thoughts; it's not about giving in or giving up.
To let go is to cherish the memories, but to overcome and move on.
It is having an open mind and confidence in the future.
Letting go is having the courage to accept change, and the strength to keep moving.
It's realizing that the heart can sometimes be the most potent remedy.
To let go is to open a door, to clear a path, and to set yourself free.
I wish I didn't have to fake everything..
every laugh, every smile and happy moment
for once I just want to be myself, I'm tired of being strong
I'm tired of being the girl that doesn't get to be broken
one day I'm going to fall and not get up.. and that'll be it
I don't sleep, I'm scared to dream
I'm afraid of living ..I'm afraid to do things
I don't want people to need me as much as they do
I try so hard to be perfect be there for
everyone that I fail to be there for myself..
for once I wish I was the one being saved
I want someone who won't care that I'm incapable of sitting still,
that I can't grasp the concept of cleaning, someone who realizes
that half of the decisions I make are usually ones I regret, and I
have the right to overreact at any given moment.
I want someone who knows how completely insane I am,
and he wouldn't want me any other way.
I'm not in denial. I'm trying hard to let go. This is
a mistake I'm just going to have to learn from.
This situation had a lot more bad than good,
and maybe i have loved you more than i should
Sure, you don't think you're pretty.
but the gorgeous girl on that myspace page
doesn't think she's that hot either.
If we stop comparing ourselves to size zero
stick-thin models, we may just find our own beauty.
Our beauty is not defined by our jeans size.
It's not defined by our faces. Its defined
by the things inside our heart ; if we care for other people,
if we love, if we're caring, if we're passionate,
if we're happy, if we have self esteem..
Beauty is much more than being thin and
having perfect features. Those are nothing compared to
real beauty.. what's inside of each and every
woman on this earth. If we show what's really inside
of us, maybe guys will stop seeing us as a good night..
Because we'll know we're better than that.
Maybe if we stop thinking
"if i was that beautiful, life would be perfect" ..
Because it won't. Beauty is not skin-deep.
Haven't you noticed it?
We talk less and less.
I'm going to savor every conversation.
Because pretty soon,
We won't talk at all.
Being a strong person means knowing
that in the end, everything is gonna be okay.
If something is meant to be,
then you have to know that no matter what,
It will find a way.
That's the thing about jealousy it chews at your soul and it doesn't stop until you let go.
Don't ever let a boy build you up with words.
Because the higher you are
The harder you fall.
& trust me.
You always fall.
All I wanted was
for him to ask what was wrong,
For him to care about how I felt,
For him to hug me and hold me,
And promise everything will be okay.
I need him tonight.
But he's not here.
He always has a way of never being there.
You have a way of coming easily to me,
and when you take you take the very best of me.
She has a bigger and better heart than any girl you've ever known.
She's had a front row seat to "The Mess That Is Your Life,"
and she still sticks around and still genuinely likes you.
She sees something worthwhile in you,
something that makes her hang on, although you've given her nothing,
she's still there.
But someday, she won't be. So give her a reason to stay.
Because you know what? Things happen. What are you gonna do -- give up, quit?
No. I realize now that when something happens, you got to fight like hell to make sure you're still alive.
Cause you are. That pain you feel -- that's life.
The confusion and fear -- that's there to remind you that somewhere out there is something better.
And that something is worth fighting for.
I never thought in a million years that this would be the person I'd become.
I've spent a lot of time being miserable. It's like misery's an old friend,
and it tricks you sometimes into thinking that it's always going to be there, that you can't be happy.
But you can, you can walk away from pain and I think being in love is the best way to do it.
I want a boy who will tell me when I`m being stupid. Who won`t baby me with his words.
A boy who will still give time to his friends. A boy who will tell me ‘No’.
He will watch stupid movies with me, but makes me watch his favorites also.
A boy who`s willing to drop everything to be with me, but knows when to let it be.
A boy who will know he`s important to me, but won`t mind when I change my plans to help someone out.
A boy who won`t mind my country urges, but will laugh at me when I pretend to be a cowboy.
I want a boy who’s enjoyable to look at, he doesn`t have to be gorgeous,
I just want someone who I can pay attention to. A boy who will randomly bring me food,
cause he knows I love to eat. A boy who can make jokes about me,
a boy that I can laugh with. Someone who won`t mind when I even embarrass myself.
A boy who will buy me something, something I would actually want, none of that jewellery crap.
Someone who doesn`t do everything I ask, but when it comes to something important
I can count on him to be there. Someone whom I don`t feel threatened by.
A boy who has other friends that are girls, but I can trust him with them.
A boy who will know when to leave me alone when I have my stupid fits. A boy who I can just sit with.
I don`t need the whole fairytale deal; I just want to feel comfortable.
Move on. He's just a chapter in the past.
Don't close the book. Just turn the page.
There's an emptiness inside her she'd do anything to fill.
I'm through with it, all of it. I simply don't care anymore. I don't wanna care anymore.
I'm walking away now & you can say or do what you want. It's not gonna stop me.
I'm done with caring about you.
Anyone can give up.. it's the easiest thing in the world to do.
But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fall apart.. that's true strength.
Ever have one of those days where you hate the world and anything that happens..
even simply dropping your pen, makes you want to break down and cry?
I want the kind of guy that’s shy around me,
the kind that is scared to hold my hand.
The kind of guy that calls me everyday to say good morning,
and can’t sleep at night until he hears my voice.
The kind that says I love you six times in a five minute phone call.
I’d like him to be happy just to be playing cards with me;
the kind of guy whos biggest smile shows when he sees me.
I want a kind of guy I can fall in love with.
I never really knew you. You & I have all this history,
but I never really knew you at all. Those were all lies.
Your made up fantasy about yourself.
You made me love the person I thought you were.
I could use a hero right now
And when I first met you
I never would have imagined that
I would have such strong feelings for you
I never would have thought that
I would have dreams about you
or miss being by your side
or get butterflies in my stomach
when someone mentions your name
when I first met you I never would
have thought that I would fall in love with you
Even if your hands are shaking, and your faith is broken.
Even as your eyes are closing, do it with a heart wide open.
Say what you need to say.
I used to have this self-confidence that no one could break.
I used to be a fighter; someone who always pushed things to
the limits. But now, so much has changed. My life is just a blur.
I don't care about things I used to love or the things I used to hate.
Now I'm just nothing.
Cause I am barely breathing and I can't find the air.
I don't know who I'm kidding, imagining you care.
I'm so tired of fighting for all the people that I care about.
So if you want me in your life, you'll find a way to put me there.