Oct 21, 2009 12:36
Sorry I keep starting and stopping. I promise to finish it this time.
I left off when I started drinking champagne at the wedding reception. First off, just to let everyone know, pat's friend alex is awesome. He sweet-talked five bottles of champagne out of our waiter while everybody else only managed one. The events hadn't started yet. We're sitting right behind the bride and groom's table and diagonally from his parents. I've been miserable for two days and am depressed as hell. Then I realized I couldn't feel my nose. Yeah very bad sign. Then after some further testing and some very weird looks from the rest of the table, I realized that I couldn't feel the rest of my face either. I started to panic just a little and I leaned over and whispered to pat that I probably wasn't going to make a good impression on his parents that night. Then the weirdest thing happened. Pat relaxed.
Now everyone knows that I am a happy drunk, so I'm feeling pretty damn good and was thinking to myself that I saw a sign for an all male review (which means male strippers) at a bar downstairs from the reception. If things didn't get better, I was going to ditch the lot of them and go have fun on my own. God bless Alex. He starts getting us more champagne and everybody starts to loosen up and have fun. We had three glasses each. One for water, one for wine or champagne, and one for coffee. Alex, scott and I had all three glasses filled with champagne. As soon as we got a bottle, we filled up our glasses and we started begging for another. We then proceeded to win the prize for the most obnoxious table at the wedding.
Then the dancing starts. We're bad people; through the couple's first dance and the parents' dances that's when we were drinking. Then the rest of the dance starts and I have to say that pat's sister has fantastic taste in music. Pat asks me to dance and that was pretty much the end of the night for me. I love to dance and I only really will when I've been drinking. I danced with everyone. EVERYONE. Pat, pat's youngest sister, the bride, the groom, alex, scott, drew, will, pat's mom, pat's dad, pat's uncle, pat's aunt, pat's cousins. But most importantly, I am still drinking. I am hammered. The strange part was that nobody seemed to care. I remember that I kept thinking I was in the twilight zone. The about-face that everyone did was utterly bizarre and the majority of them, other than our table, wasn't drinking.
A lot of the dancing is still very hazy to me. I remember falling at one point, but I was dancing with Alex so it was ok. He was the only person than there that was drunker than me.
Oh yeah and there were hoolahoops at the reception. By far the coolest wedding. The groom had a handlebar mustache which he did have waxed and curled for the occasion. I think I remember at the peak of my drunkeness,asking him about it.
By the end of the night, his friends were inviting me out after the reception and the family loved me. The aunt and uncle would love for us to come and visit just them and stay in their spare bedroom. I think I gave his aunt my phone number or she asked for it but we couldn't find paper. Pat's parents want us to come up all the time and we hung out at their house the entire next day and it wasn't awkward even once. His mom called him the next day to tell him how much she likes me. WTF?! I lived up there for an entire year and saw them many times and it was uncomfortable each and every one. Apparently all I had to do was get smashed. It's odd because his parents aren't like that. I like them a lot; they are incredibly nice people, but they aren't a family that you can drink with. Hell they actually didn't. It was just me. Weirdness.
So the moral of this story is .....When all else fails start drinking. It might not work, but at that point you probably won't know and definitely won't care. This will never be in a children's book.