Green Tea is amazing

Sep 02, 2005 14:12

Hello person reading this.

Getting straight to the point so that you won't die of some form of bodily cancer (cos thats the "in" thing to do these days...) I've finished my college work before my 2nd year! horray!

Well techinically I have to re-do my music listening assignment because apparently I'm a good student and I can do better... okayyy so I have a brain, doesn't mean I have to put it to use 110% of the time? I did that at Ridge EVERYDAY and it stressed me out alot, so I really don't want to be doing that at the college I actually enjoy getting up for to go at 9:30am every morning.

I know that I'll have to try harder for this coming year but I'm not going to burst a fucking blood vessel for the gratification of some fat arse snob with a 70,000 pound wage that has the power to say yes or no to my University application.

I'll show I can put my mind to good instead of evil ¬_¬ ! (well not evil, just laziness I guess..)

Am learning more Japanese now, I joined a site thing where I can learn for free, which is damn good considering. However I was watching the news before about more and more storms hitting the planet and it makes me wonder if it'd be safer here than in Tokyo (where earthquakes happen quite alot) hmmmm.

Got RIGHT back into my J-pop and J-rock both of which are too dissimular from on another, I guess is because of my sudden urge to get out of the country as soon as possible..

Also today I bought some Green Tea from tesco. I heard that its antioxidants and natural way surpasses that or normal tea, and its great aswell, like hot vimto but not sugary. Loveit.

Went into college today to finish off my work and give in what I had done at home. Pete and Stan were happy that I'm not a total dossabout dickhead of a student. Thankfully they let me enrol for the second year which starts on Monday, woo! Saw some of the students from our year last year who were in the other group, turns out that they have to do the first year all over again with the new kids. I'm not gonna feel sorry for them, its they're own fault (don't mean offence but it is).
Saw Mike aswell when i was re-doing my musical scores and he wanted to go and finish some MIDI (which I have to do aswell) but we weren't allowed, so I finished my work, enrolled and dossed about town for a bit with Mike. We went to look at comic in forbidden planet cos I'm a hardcore geek. Innit. Then it was to HMV to see the PSP (I shouldn't but i really want one, they look well ace...) I plan on getting a Nintendo DS first cos of zelda, pokemon and every other nintendo game that I love. (hardcore Nintendkid here).

Anyway I'm gonna piss off now and maybe sign into MSN or something

Kai x
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