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How is my Voldemort?

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hereisariddle July 6 2010, 00:58:25 UTC
Aw, please don't. ♥ Your opinions are your own. They're valid and you have as much of a right as anyone to express them.

There's Ian Hart (Sorcerer's Stone), Ralph Fiennes (Resurrected Voldemort starting in GoF), Frank Dillane (HBP 16-year-old Tom Riddle), Christain Coulson (CoS 16-year-old Tom Riddle who actually supposed to be younger than Frank's portrayal), Hero Tiffin-Fiennes (HBP 11-year-old Voldemort), and okay, maybe there are five. I could've sworn there were six! (Michael Berendt was cast to portray an eighteen-year-old Tom for one of the memories in HBP, but those scenes didn't make the final cut.)

Flitwick is still the same actor (Warwick Davis), but his appearance is extremely different in SS and CoS compared to the rest of the movies.

One thing I loved about HBP is that when you compared Emma Watson's Hermione to McLaggen and Rupert Grint's Ron Weasley to Lavender Brown, they're relatively on the same level of attractive as the other, as compared to Hermione and Ron compared to each other, if you know what I mean.

Voldemort in a suit is love, and yes, it was Order of the Phoenix, when Harry was being all angst and angry and he was feeling Voldemort's presence even more than ever.

Tom's the sort of human who wants to deny his own humanity. He knows he's better than everyone else, so in his mind he's almost something more than human. He's above them, simple as that. He has no guilty conscience weighing him down, no trivial worries as others seem to have. The things he deals with are on a significantly grander scale, so much so that the idea of his older self dealing with the details of every day life like the rest of us is laughable. What I love about his younger version is that you're still able to work with those details without becoming exceedingly ridiculous. Tom likes folding all of his ties.

He's quite the character, and I do enjoy playing him, very much so. :) Seeing the Half-Blood Prince movie was really the spark which made me recognize my own interest in him, and thus the reason for my particular PB, but I can see why people dislike the inconsistency between the movies, so no worries.

Yay baddies~ And Merlin's beard! I'm sorry for the TL;DR.


horrible_protag July 6 2010, 03:07:52 UTC
Oooooh, right, younger Tom. And ugh, I KNOW. The age. He gets SHORTER as he ages, apparently. And oh, yeah. The makeup on that man, oh boy. Poor little Flitwick.

IDK, I don't think Hermoine to McLaggen is the same as Ron and Lavvy's thing; Hermoine barely entertains the idea, while Ron's all 'YEAH, SURE. IS HERMOINE WATCHING? OKAY THEN LET'S DO THIS. How's Hermoine? AND BE OBNOXIOUS ENOUGH TO BIRD.' Which was such an unexpectedly sad scene. DDD: But yeah, I kinda get what you mean. I need to finish watching that movie. One of our group fell asleep, so literally the last thing I saw was Daniel doing those pincers. |D

Ughhhhh, Harry. Freaking Order of the Pheonix was made AWFUL by you. Sure, you've got reason to be angsty, you just saw someone get killed, and Voldie was resurrected, but DO NOT TRASH DUMBLEDORE'S OFFICE. D:< STOP WHINING. And then, like, no whining in the sixth book. Although I still enjoy the fifth immensely. That, I think, was my favourite movie, just because Umbridge and Bella are so deliciously evil. And Luna, of course.

Oh, man, so much about baddies is about humanity. I just finished re-reading Carpe Jugulum last month. And that's- Okay, the tie thing makes me laugh. But he totally WOULD be OCD about that sort of thing, though! And that makes that scene in AVPM make so much more sense, actually. "Muggles have their place, mudbloods have their place, and so do your clothes!" But yeah, your phrasing is correct, knows that he's better, not thinks that he is. That's the important distinction.

Haha, I've- well, this one's another sort of baddie. He's a hero, and the main character is actively trying to become a villain, but oh my god, Hammer's the biggest asshole. When I re-watched his canon the second time, I just started analyzing the crap out of him, completely unintentionally and that's how I got stuck with him. That and the fact that my friend is awful at talking me out of playing characters that she would like me to play. :|

No worries! I love analyzing and tl;dr is a way of life. 8D


hereisariddle July 6 2010, 03:39:01 UTC
Book canon dictates Tom is tall, no matter what his age, so that's how I'm playing him even if Frank is short. Really, my Tom is book!Tom, despite the PB choice.

Actually, for the Hermione/McLaggen, Ron/Lavender thing, I just meant their physical appearance, not the relationships between the two. xD Those pincers = epic win.

lol. Honestly, I think Harry is perfectly fine whining, because, really, it gets the whine out of the system for Half-Blood Prince. xD But yes. And aren't they just? ♥ Also, Luna is full of epic win. I love Evanna's portrayal of her so much.

I haven't read it! But I just Google'd it and it sounds wonderfully fun. xD

He would! I mean, he is. He's very clean, believe me (it says right in his New, Improved Character Survey of Doom located here, if you care :D). Very much borderline OCD, very much having a sort of fixation on control and order. I thought they did a wonderful job writing and portraying a parody of Voldemort (of the whole series, really). ♥ That scene is just akdnlagnkeldkdalng; amazing.

It is an important distinction, one that's helped me play him numerous times. I have a bad habit of becoming intimidated by certain players, characters, etc, which really doesn't work when you play a muse who knows he's better than everyone else. There's no reason for intimidation, as Tom simply does not get intimidated. So, really, in a way he's helped my confidence when role playing. I'm not as easily intimidated now, and when I am, I make sure to work through it so it doesn't show in my playing, because you can't just come from a space of being intimidated when you play a narcissist who knows he's better than everyone else. You just can't. /has learned from experience

He sounds like fun. :) Hahaha. Oh, enablers. How we love thee. ♥

Yay~ Awesome. :)


doujin_dork July 6 2010, 04:13:40 UTC
Well yeah, of course. Book!Tom is the only Tom TO play.

Ohhh. I didn't pay too much attention to Lavvy, actually. I remember McLaggen because there is a seven minute underwear modeling thing on youtube that my friends and I watched. He is very very good looking. Those pincers are the best thing I've ever seen in the HP movies.

Yeah, but it's done so unnaturally. Four: Fairly whine-free, Five: Could out-whine Romeo, Six: kay, all better now. And I highly recommend Terry Pratchett's works. A wonderful satirist.

oh my god you're SERIOUS about going commando. WHY. They made me love EVERY SINGLE SLYTHERIN EVER (minus Crabbe, but they didn't give her great lines.) and as you saw on RP!S, I am a huge Huffie, and I tend not to like most of the Slytherins for being self-important pratts. But ohhh man. "I can't go to Pigfarts. It's ON Mars."

Haha, oh intimidation. I get that. And aww, that's cute. With Hammer, I- well, he knows he's the best, too, but he's such a douche that I just wind up yelling at him in my head. =_= But yeah, he's fun. And hella manipulative. And hella funny when a guy is hitting on him.


OH GOD the editing. Sorry. xD hereisariddle July 6 2010, 04:49:39 UTC

Hahahahahaha. Oh my god. xD I really shouldn't be surprised.

I don't particularly mind, myself, nor do I think it's unnatural. Different people develop and mature in different ways. Honestly, I can't say I was the same person when I was 14 to when I was 15, and the same for when I was 15 to when I was 16. It just so happens that 15 is the age where Harry has to face the reality of just how utterly fucked his life is because of this guy named Voldemort. In Goblet of Fire, the reality of the situation hasn't yet hit him, and then the resurrection happens and someone actually dies. Death has never been shied away from in Harry Potter, but now Harry has to face the reality of it. Death is no longer simply a far off vague idea. It's real. Harry's learning how to deal with that in OotP. By the time we get to HBP, he basically learns how to be happy and okay with what he has while he still has it, because now he knows it's not going to last forever. Now he gets his head into the game and prepares for what's to come while enjoying what he has.

I've heard other good things about her, so I think I will check her out. :)

Yes, I am seriouser than Sirius. Tom's a serious BAMF anyway. I just... cannot imagine adult Voldemort wearing underwear, and the more I think about it, the harder it gets for me to imagine Tom wearing underwear either, and I thought it made sense to be something learned in childhood. A bitter boy, who knows he's better than everyone else - above them - and yet, no one understands and/or believes him. Everyone's scared of him, because of this strange power around him. He wants to be separate from them, and it's a sort of childish, physical reinforcement I can only believe he learned in childhood. Although I do admit, there's a part of me which thinks the idea of bbVoldemort running around without underwear on is somewhat adorable.

I consider myself to be a Gryffindor, as you probably saw on RP!S as well. Although, admittedly, it took me a long time to distinction that. For a couple months I was convinced I was Slytherin in part because I played this guy here and I generally liked them. Now, I realize I'm just a Gryffindor who loves Slytherins and often has Gryffindor/Slytherin ships. And omg DRACO is full of amazing. That musical makes me love him so much! "Do you have a rocketship, Pottah?" "You know, not EVERYONE inherited enough money to buy out NASA when their parents died!" Hehehe.

See? Voldemort can't be all bad. ♥ Hahaha. Manipulative muses are win, as well as funny ones. And heeeee, when flirtation and villains come together, they often have hilarious babies.


S'cool, my backdating is awful. D8 badhairlifetime July 9 2010, 20:44:48 UTC
Yeaaaaah, that's true. I guess it was just the breaking of Dumbledore's things. BUT SOB, SIRIUS STILL GETS ME. KREACHERRRRR. EVEN THOUGH HE TURNS OUT TO BE A SAD LITTLE THING.

Terry Pratchett's a man, but- YES! Go check his Discworld series out, as well as his other stuff, which I have yet to read. They're all incredible and hilarious and well-written and character-driven and the reason why I'm writing an app for this account.

omg, that's so ridiculous. I can't- I can't even, I'm laughing so hard. And yet it strangely makes sense in some horrifying manner. Oh my god. I mean, I've thought about my characters' underwear and such before, but wow. Of course, I know Hammer's size down there. Penisly speaking.

Haha. I generally dislike them in the books, but the play made me love them all so hard. "Destroy Earth? Thinking about PIGFARTS, are you Potter?" Every time that Lauren is on the floor, I'm on the floor rolling with her, but moreso in laughter.

It's crazy, because I'll be involved in some event or whatever, thinking on how he's going to get out of a sticky situation, and then BAM idea will hit me when I'm just walking along. It's a little creepy, really. Manipulative jerk that he is. And yep. Especially when he's pretty homophobic. 8D And still has to maintain an alliance with him.


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