this is lucy.
Prepare to meet an exceedingly awesome dog.
Were you prepared? That is Lucy, our 3-month-old beagle. *giddyness*
She sleeps a lot.
And is as cute as... something that is really really cute.
reflections on metal.
Oh man, I should watch Headbanger's Ball more often. Quality entertainment. Anyone ever heard of this band called "3 inches of blood"? Imagine a cheesy metal band fronted by a eunuch Jack Black with excessive facial hair, and you're about there. I mean, the guy's got nothing on that dude from The Darkness, but he's up there in range.
Also, the announcer growls/yells at me. "PREPARE TO GET YOUR ASS KICKED!" (and then this quiet little emo band plays. ha ha ha ha.)
Like I said, quality entertainment.
Ugh. I've moved on to another show, and this band is called "Alabama Thunderpussy." Their video is backdropped with a Confederate flag. I think I saw a swastika tattooed on the drummer's shoulder. Sweet.
Oh wait. The show now wins because it is playing "Back in Black". As in, actually played by AC/DC, and excellent. :-D
Why the hell am I writing about this? I have no idea. At least it's behind a cut.
reflections on... life?
I'm actually drawing a blank here.
I wrote in my paper journal recently for the first time in a while. I don't remember what I wrote about; I don't think I thought about it very hard. I do remember quoting The Postal Service, because I felt like it. It felt good, though.
Coming home today... that feeling was more complicated. I'm only going to be here for three weeks, so there's little time to get into any sort of groove (like I felt I had at school) before I'm off to Orlando for another big adjustment. I'm not sure if I feel like I belong any one place; I feel like a guest in my own house sometimes. (Perhaps because I'm sleeping on a fold-out couch at one place and my room is used for storage at the other. But that's how it goes, I guess. It's not as if I'm the only person who has it this way. And it doesn't really bother me much, but it's just one of those "...huh." things.
I miss people no matter where I am, but naturally it was even harder leaving Ann Arbor today. She left first, which left me to focus on rapid packing and such, but that 200-odd miles is still quite daunting now. Just three weeks. It'll be fine. Really. Just like April, it'll pass more quickly than I notice.
There's too much to think about, or that is a figment of my imagination and things are a lot simpler than they seem.
I probably have other things on my mind, but for now I'll keep them to myself.
Moral of the story: if you don't like random, this journal is not for you. :-)
-brett out