Nov 25, 2006 12:48
It is november 25th and it's currently 53 degrees. I remember a year ago "door bustin" at 5am freezing my ass off in the car awaiting for the doors to open up at Fry's. So, I guess I shouldn't complain even though the earth is melting right now. Eeek 60 degrees for the rest of the weeekend, oh and 20 degrees next week, hm back to normal?
I've slept in! I've been having problems sleeping in lately since I've been getting up at 4am during the week and the best thing is I thought it was sunday heeeey.
So, Robert Altman died. I was very sad when I heard the news. My very first Altman film was Nashville and since has been my favorite film above Annie Hall and Hannah and Her Sisters. All the greats die, what I loved about him the most was how he made the camera an observer catching characters in the middle of dialogue, challenging his audience and inviting improvisation with his actors. So all those films with large casts with intersecting storylines ala "crash" he did it first, he did it better and he did it without emotional manipulation. Too bad I didn't really enjoy Prarie Home Companion too much, I enjoyed the performances alot, it didn't have the normal Altman flair or satirical bite and I read he directed the film mostly from a wheel chair. Tears.
I love On Demand, I get to catch up with Conan.
Wow For Your Consideration was disappointing, the jokes fell flat and the insider hollywood storyline felt recycled and the jew jokes were worn out, Borat had a fresher, funnier take on "jewishness."
I'm gonna go watch Conan and drink coffee.