Very far behind in posting, need to catch up but work is currently trying to eat me so I'll have to keep this a little brief but I wanted to make sure not to miss documenting the one time in my adult life where I probably shall have a beard (shaved it this morning, was happy to do so *laugh*)
I went to the
Castello di Amorosa pagan ball on Saturday. Had a great time though it would have been much more fun if some of the other people who originally had planned to go could have made it. My friend Pet and I got there around 8 and immediately got inline for pictures (he didn't want to but I'd promised at least one photo...though I wish I'd gotten another standing up so that the drape of the coat could be seen...the photographer suggested this pose though)
The food was tasty though mostly nibbly bits and there was much, much wine. The haunted house was amusing though they had some issues with it before we got in...someone had apparently gotten belligerent in the middle of it. So we were kind of backed up against the people in front of us which meant most of the jumping out at you sorts of things didn't really work out.
Even did a little dancing though that outfit is bloody hot.
Definitely would go again