I appear to be full of the grump this morning. It's a thing.
So, fallen down on the posting more often thing yet again. Though in this case it's partially just because I've been busy.
Frolic and birthday were okay. Very low key, which was kind of depressing, honestly, given that it was kind of a big one this year (note: admittedly being flown across country was pretty awesome in a not Vegas sort of way, don't get me wrong ;-)
Other than that there's just been the hanging out thing going on mostly. I did see Theatreworks' latest show, "The Loudest Man on Earth" which was about deaf theater directors and the journalists who love them. It was a fairly fun show.
Plans have been made for Vegas in Sept. Also OVFF in Ohio in October. Then Albuquerque in November. This makes this year the most plane flights I've ever had in one year, officially.
I've been drawing at work during some of my lunch hours. I'm probably going to take the sketchbook home tonight to scan the two bits and pieces that I've finished so there may be art tomorrow.
A friend of mine, who is having a bug problem at home, has crashed the last two nights at my house. I'm happy to help but it's so long since I've regularly slept in the same bed with anyone (as we don't really have guest space) that I haven't been sleeping all that well. So I'm a bit tired. I'm not sure if he'll be there tonight or not, I told him I won't be home till a bit later than usual as I fully intend to stop at the wine bar for a glass and to flirt with the new cute (and engaged) person there to make up for the fact that I got into work half an hour early today and will likely not manage to get out half an hour early, sadly.
Lastly I leave you with your orders for the day:
Dance, my children! Dance!