Late planes! Teleporting Toddlers! Elbows of doom!

Dec 02, 2008 09:59

First things first, happy birthday toob

Back to work after the holiday. One of the first e-mails I got to this morning was telling me that the dean and associate dean called a budget meeting this afternoon. To add insult to injury it's late in the afternoon and it's quite likely I'll miss my train to go to it.

Aside from that work has been okay, I guess. I'm glad I'll be able to get to my workout today, it's been two weeks. I expect to be in pain tomorrow.

The holiday was good, for the most part. My brother has become even more of a hermit than he was in the past, spending almost all his time in his bedroom. He came out to get food and occasionally play board games or go shopping with us. (he and his friend Felicity like Lord of the Fries. A lot. Which led to me on the day before I left going, "again?!" when they wanted to play it. I took that, Pandemic, Fist of Dragonstones and Unspeakable words. All eventually got played)

Mom bought me too much stuff. Leading me to trade up suitcases with her to get it all home.

"It can hardly be a coincidence that no language on earth has ever produced the expression "As pretty as an airport"-Douglas Adams
The trip home was moderately hideous.
Though the first leg of the trip went well. Then I end up in Phoenix.
So I got in and checked my gate, cheerfully trundling my way across half the known universe to get to it, noting that my flight was going to be about 10 minutes late. No big deal I'll just sit and read my book (The Magicians and Mrs. Quent, for those curious), which I was quite enjoying...

Except there were no seats. There wasn't even a convenient corner to sit on the floor. In fact, I could almost swear that there were a couple of bonfires in one of the corner with people roasting marshmallows and pitching tents they'd been in the airport so long. There were possibly tribes starting to form that will live on in the employee only corridors of the aiport hunting the wild cinnabon as a rite of passage.

So no reading because I could barely manage to find a place to stand out of the way, much less sit. And a glance at the cheerful little monitor now said that my flight was due to be delayed an hour. Given that I'd been scheduled for an hour and half layover to start with this meant that I was going to be in the airport for close to three hours.

Being a cheeful sort (I'll bite anyone who comments, people) I found a place where I wasn't actively standing on anyone and opened my book. And tried to read while doing the dance of someone with carryons who's doing his best to stay out of the way when there's no place that's actually out of the way available. Very trendy and chic. With lots of people grumbling at you when you smack them with a backpack while trying to get out of someone else's way.

Finally, after about half an hour I found a seat, almost squashing a teleporting toddler with my backpack as I did (the parent was understanding, which I suppose one must be when their child is capable of teleporting in front of people putting down heavy objects. One wonders if this was what it was like raising Nightcrawler)

I settled down with my book to the accompaniment of someone watching south park on their ipod very loudly. I did not, however, attempt to squash them with the backpack. Because I'm cheerful. And I'd probably miss my plane before the police got the chance to rule it justifiable homicide.

Thankfully, with a bit of tag teaming with a woman who's flight was also delayed to check the boards now and then my flight was not any later. So I got on and got my customary window seat because at heart I'm five and I like to watch the point where real buildings become the buildings in a disney ride.

The other two seats were taken because it was a very full flight, I peeked up to see if any of the cute guys that had been in the line had taken them but it was a mother and her daughter so I went back to my book. The daughter only elbowed me about 3 billion times during the course of the flight. She also took her shoes off and those almost ended up in my lap as well. But we are cheerful and did not use the plus three backpack of crushing.

By the time I got in to Oakland I was very tired of airports. And planes. And very hungry as I was afraid to abandon my hard won seat at the airport to get food. But home and debmats was nice enough to drive me all the way home, presumably because I looked exceptionally fried.

If you made it through even half of that you deserve
I drew this when I was avoiding writing and promptly scanned it and gave it to my mother. Sadly, my dad's scanner kind of sucks so it's a little blurry but you can get the gist of it.

holidays, family, drawing

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