I'm too easy sometimes

Aug 04, 2008 13:07

You know I said I was grumpy in my last post? I didn't go to work out today, had a sinus headache and the thought of doing a bunch of bouncing around did NOT sound appealing so I went out to pick up lunch instead. On my way there I ran into not just one but three of the ravens that hang around campus (amusingly they were very quiet till I got right up on them) Two were in a pine tree and the other was on the ground only a couple of feet from me. I was grinning like a fool the rest of the way to get my burrito.

Yes...dogs and carrion birds make me happy, deal with it. :-)

I was in a good enough mood to not really be pissy that the main reason for walking all that way (they have the biggest drinks of any place on campus that serves iced tea. Those of you who know me probably know why this matters) was broken and only spitting out water. So I got half water, half lemonade and wasn't too grumpy about it. Though I'm not sure if you should be allowed to call something lemonade when it clearly says on it that it contains no actual juice. They should have to use another name for it like they do with processed cheese food...if it's never seen a lemon it shouldn't have it in the name!

Though granted the soda fountain iced tea probably doesn't have any tea in it either, come to think of it.


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