I actually survived the work retreat. In fact it was pretty fun. I possibly could have done without the enforced singing on the way down (though even that could have been more fun if we'd, like, sung fun songs) and the half an hour phone talk with the associate dean who had decided that she needed to know RIGHT NOW about some details of our reporting system but on the whole it was fun. The tour was far more interesting than I expected and apparently any Stanford employee can go and arrange a small tour should they wish, something I didn't know. I suppose if I ever have marine biologist friends visit...*shrug*
Across from the Hopkin's marine center is a place that apparently does blacklight mini golf. This is brilliant and I totally want to go down just to do that now.
The aquarium was fun, I hadn't been there in *mumble* years. We didn't quite have time to do the whole thing though. Actually there may have been time but one of the current exibits is on otters and they had some African spotted neck otters and Asian small clawed otters. There may have been squeeing. There certainly was me cursing the fact I'd forgotten my camera and almost pressing my nose up against the glass.
We were late getting back and I managed, just barely, to arrive at Printer's inc. cafe just in time to meet the friends I was having dinner with before the Alexander James Adams concert (which was good, though sparsely attended, I'm afraid. New cd too!)
The rest of the weekend was spent on various projects, though sadly no painting. I had to rescue a friend of mine as I got a phone call at 11 pm on Sat. night about said friend being in SF with no place to sleep. Not a big deal at all though it did throw off my plans for Sunday a bit.
So instead of getting a lot done I played Uncharted: Drake's Fortune for far too many hours.
Until it decided to morph into a survival horror game at which point I got grouchy and turned it off.
Sadly no art happened this weekend.
I'm so not ready to be back at work today.
Edit: Oh, never, ever fall asleep with my boss around. She was taking pictures of people sleeping on the bus on the way back. Happily I was NOT one of them ;-)