Musicals suck balls.

Feb 10, 2005 18:57

Hello all.
I just got back to my room from musical rehearsal, and I have to say that "Dare" is possibly the biggest wank that has ever been conceived by a private catholic school. This is one of the only musicals that I have heard of that contain literally NO PLOT. However, I don't think that it would be fare for me to ignore the reason why this piece of foul loathsome piece of dick-cheese came into existence.

As any member of StIgnatius Riverview College would know, this is the one hundred and twenty fifth year since several child molesting priests bought this God forsaken chunk of land that we now call our school. Usually, I don't think that anyone would have given a flying fornication about this news. However, because shogun (our headmaster) happens to be an iron fisted, arrogant, pretencious, conservative progency of the dark prince himself, we are obliged to make a big deal of it. As a result there have been several infuriatingly pointless and time consuming events and chores that we have been forced to partake in.

We will be holding a one and a half hour long mass in the rose garde, with no shade or protection from the sun, other than the school hats (that we have to pay for). In preparation for the mass, we have been spending extensive periods of time out of the class room and in the chapel in order to practice the hymns that we will be singing during the mass (even though the only people attending will be school staff and students). Various groups of boarders have been spending time making 125 year aniversary show bags. Inside this show bag there is a commemorative tie (exactly the same as the riverview rugby tie only with a small 125 year symbol on it). There is a commemorative shirt, a DVD (for God's sake who the hell would be willing to watch it without taking morbidly excessive quantities of opium beforehand), a badge, a sticker and a pin.

Now you may call me a slack bladdered sissy bitch for complaining this much (well fuck you if you do), but there is a reason to my sadisticly long paragraph on show bags. After the school captains, teachers, and various other members of the school elite keep assuring us that it is free, I was shocked in possibally the worst way, when I was politely informed by my tutor that we would be paying roughly $200 for this bag of SHIT! It makes me bowl shudderingly FURIOUS when this school has the kind of nerve to tell us that it is an honour for us to be at this school on it's 125th year, then make us pay for a bag of totally useless shit that I would think posibally two or three times about picking up, if it meant the difference between forced to analy ingesting a tennis ball covered in dencorub!

I swear to God! I came to this school to get a fucking education. I really couldn't give a piece of that strange fungus that accumulates between my testicals and my inner thigh when it comes to school spirit. Nobody gives a flying fuck about a giant quilt with the entire schools signiatures on it. Nobody gives the smallest, korn filled shit about a school showbag! mister Shane Hogan, I hope that you read this you arrogant, conceded piece of shit! but more than that, I hope that you suffer the most painful, twisted end to your pathetically useless life you sack of monkey shit! ROT IN HELL!
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