So, we signed with Coventry Housing. Who charge more for checking and don't even have an answer phone!* The flat is cute and lovely and has off-road parking and possible garage space and a washing machine, all of which will make me happy and might reduce my car insurance. I am not, however, going to jump for joy until we've signed the tenancy agreement. Not making that mistake twice.
It is not all doom and gloom, however!
I know he won't mention this, but
Marcus_Felix taught his first class last Thursday and got some very good feedback. I am very proud of him.
Yesterday I got to run away from being responsible and read lots of book and played DS and window-shopped around Brighton while Important Things were discussed by the WitW team. Then,
penguin_worship cooked a fantastic roast and there was enthusiasm and scheming everywhere, it was great! (Also,
flannelcat makes very good bacon butties!)
I now have someone looking for jobs for me, and next Saturday will attend an ESOL placement fair, where I will hear more about teaching abroad with international schools from the people who know all about it, and sit an interview I believe with a Head from Cairo, but from reading the invitation the Heads all interview and swap notes later! It does mean I'll probably be floating around the Euston area around lunchtime, looking for lunch, if there's anyone around who can bear the company of a slightly-flapping Bowdy for an hour or so! Slightly worried as the invite suggests a skirt-suit and I've never owned one and don't really have time to source one... must also make sure I don't do either of these:
• Fails to look interviewer in the eye
• Limp, fishy handshake
Or any of the other list of "things that don't go down well in interview". They have sent me practice questions, though, which is awesome!
So, yeah. Still on rations, still need to pack, still need to be sure we have somewhere to move into, but Things are Happening!
(P.S., sorry for the overload of "life" posts, I'll get back to the fic and drawings post move, that's the hope! This flat even has a desk in it, which can be assigned to doing things. Also, Inkheart is deceptively involving...)
*I know, I know. *worry*