So, I meant to post on Monday, partially because it was *awesome* and partially to help me remember all the things I learnt that I thought I'd remember but then, oh yeah, life makes you forget things...
I've had long writing books mounting up for a week, and science, and perpetual maths and I don't know if my children are actually making a great deal of progress. Then there is Child+Parent who are taking up a lot of my time knocking other needs-doings off kilter.
Good: I've made steady progress with books, and gotten the bike serviced and my fringe cleared from my eyes by a professional.
Bad: This has meant my days have been solid from about 6:20am to whenever I peel myself off the sofa.
Rubbish: Today's visit from
Marcus_Felix's parents was somewhat marred by my finding at "time to go get resources for those awesome lessons" that I'd lost my purse. Good and proper.
Awesome: My colleagues have, on the whole, been stunning. I've been so very supported that I am no longer in danger of disproportionately blaming myself for Child and thus asplotions in the workplace have ceased.
Then, just as our guests were leaving today, a woman from the Royal Oak knocked on our door to give back my thoroughly intact wallet (OK, so the card is defunct, but you've got to really, haven't you?). Someone had handed it in and they'd read the driving license and dropped it round once free.
So yeah. I am le tired, but have been burning books (not the children's!) and am now up-to-date -10 extended writes, some of which make me think I'm doing such a bad job after all!
Time to poke my VSO application, I think...
Hope everyone else is having as much fun as I am! ^_^;