Behold! The penultimate update!
The holidays will bring more tales from Egypt courtesy of The Other Blog. Apologies for sporadic updates, it's just how it goes!
The soldiers began to properly panic now, and two let off crossbows which bounced off the walls and caused others to cry out. Vistara shook her sistrum insistently and they all fell quiet. Their faces became quite blank, and they began to look around as though they had no idea where they were. With a wave of her hand, the door was open. The stupefied men left through it. When Vis-Zhara reached the portal, however, she found she could not pass.
“Oh no,” said Vistara, “They are allowed to forget and to come to know this new era as other innocent men. You too schemed with Ibakafir for power, so what will you do now each of my children has chosen their avatar?”
“Avatar?” managed the High Priestess.
“Yes. A representative of sorts. They may well have more than one by the end of it. You see, we’ve had many, many cycles to discuss what we would do this time. This time, my children themselves will not fight, but will have humans to do it for them. Humans they have trained, of course, and now Tirik and Bahail know a little better what to expect from their brother, it should be a bit more interesting this time.
“My husband’s people, it seems, have been somewhat slow on the uptake. He cannot pass this way, the Temple wouldn’t let him. So for now, this world is mostly mine. A shame he is only paid lip service by the great rulers of the world, but there we are! But of course, it wouldn’t do for his people to know he is not returned. You, my dear Zhara, can really earn those decorations on your belt. You will speak as I tell you to speak, for I will always inhabit a part of you. And I will know everything that is said in my Temple, for I will inhabit it, and this way, we will delay Garatha’s would-be avengers for as long as possible. Not many will know of the change. We will say that only Magic has returned. And that, my dear girl, is where you come in.
Sammi started forward, then realised it wasn’t her she meant.
Hayamutah looked awkwardly up at her mother. “What can I say?” she said, “I am not free of the river. If I leave the river, will there no longer be a river? I am not as powerful as any of them. I have had no rest. And who would follow the demi-goddess who cries and mourns.”
Sammi decided now was definitely her turn, “That is not who you are! Your brothers and sister may make you feel that way, but you are something far greater. You found Warda, and she didn’t push you away, and look what you’ve done together! Opened the door that has brought your family back to the world!”
“And you think that will be a good thing?” Hayamutah said, “The best thing I could do would be to destroy her now so that she didn’t have to feel any more pain! As it is, if that is all I can teach, then I will!”
There was a sudden explosion of rose coloured light, and Hayamutah’s presence and Warda’s body were both gone. So was the great orchestrator of this new order. Three beings remained standing, shaken, and feeling very alone indeed.