Event III

Aug 01, 2011 18:18

Well. What can I say? It was an awesome event! I think we managed to see and chat to most people who were there on Thursday and I know I certainly drank enough! Then to achieve all my IC goals bar one was fabulous. It really felt like we'd completed something, y'know? And I'm not saying I'm going to retire Sha, I've certainly no reason to worry too much about that until I know if and when we'll be at Mael again, but it certainly feels like the end of an era, and I'm happy to pack her away indefinitely on the back of it. I'm still all about the downtime and anyone wanting to write to me IC is more than welcome :)

I feel a leetle guilty that I spent most of Saturday on my own, as in some ways I should have been being with people and saying goodbyes, but at the same time it seemed like the way it Had To Be and it meant I achieved quite a lot, hopefully, and although it may have upset one person/one group of people if they'd found out, it was light, nothing bad happened and no one who knew about it was cross with me!

I'm afraid I've ended up with a few items that I forgot to give back, in one instance because I forgot who to give it to, so if I could have postal addresses I will do that asap; Beaky, I have your rock (thank you so so much for the physrep!) and Iris de Brynn's bracelet.

I don't often do this, but I think the event warrants a list, so I will, and I will even transport it to Rule 7 too, as there are many people who need to know they are awesome!

Why this event was so Gods-damned great!

-Having most of the Bastet in one tent, staying safe and keeping all the booze safe too on Friday night!
-Proper, gut-dropping worry-turned-grief over Kas's death
-Sucking it up and carrying on.
-Loosing it again when someone was horribly blunt about it and still having to swallow my Turkish Delight!
-"You trust Imams more than me" angst
-Trying to sing my bestest for returned-Kas in her angelic glory.
-Dreambird's singing
-Zoya finding me mana. It's the little things!
-Geeking with Drago, even if it meant being sat and GOD for an hour!
-"We've had most of the senior ref team on this..." (OK, big things are cool too!)
-Squeeing over Noah's happy news and finding out that she'd already picked up on mine (yes, it's my excuse for next event!)
-Much love from the Dryads
-"No, go ahead, blow up the world, I need to eat something."
-Being a Very Capable Sorcerer (and storming off from someone who didn't appreciate that! Sorry, whoever that was!)
-Various peoples faces over what I was planning
-Just about coming to terms with the Abdul succession, then that conversation, then him being killed! He was trying so hard! Going to miss him a lot.
-Almost having an Amun-Sa Ladies meeting.
-Peoples expressions about the Emergency Amun-Sa Ladies meeting.
-Ishtar and Parnassus's wedding.
-Ridiculous misinformation.
-"We're stockpiling Mana for our own plans" (seriously, the amount of times I heard that phrase)
-"I suppose you're getting x to cast your ritual?" "No, I'm doing it myself!" (defensive Sorceress is defensive!)
-The Undead pounding the field as they did and pulling out a whole bunch of stops!
-Drago-yes, he gets two mentions. His support and encouragement and just converation was great.
-Much love for Woven Braid hospitality again, too!
-Getting enough mana
-The ridiculous timing of the dignitaries
-THE DIGNITARIES!!! And all who were responsible for them! Especially; oh whoops, that was a Mameluk too...the consecration in this arena is so appropriate right now and the very enthusiastic Scribeswoman with the fan and orange hair who was very encouraging and who Sha would have loved to have spend more time with!
-Receiving compliments, both IC and OC on my ritual. Win.

I will keep on saying this, but a hug thank you to everyone who has made this game so enjoyable, but especially for this one, and especially for pushing that plot through so spectacularly! I do not have the words!

(And yes, this is my procrastination face. So sue me :P)

maelstrom, awesomewingush

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