Firstly, a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge thank you and MASSIVE round of applause to the people responsible for Nerd East yesterday. It was stunning, I had a great time!
Also, the night bash was fun, even if we failed horribly to spot the dark things in the near-dark. You bastards.
I have continued the clearing of the things, I have some lengths of material which may interest people, I will photograph them and get them up this week sometime.
There is a party in Coventry next Saturday, come to it!
I'm trying my best to do downtime, but more Cairo things have come through and the facebook group is full of people and Mum and Dad are coming for some boxes on Wednesday (I think) and I need to do a bunch of stuff and you know when you're busy so you don't want to open certain emails or look at certain pages because there's something like fear and a tight, sick feeling in your tummy?
That's me right now.
Also because I was sleep deprived last week, got an -ish night on Friday and 6hrs last night (although the breakfast we got up for was stunning!) but I'm scared of being tired and short-tempered this week when choreographing small children (and I am sorry now and for the next 5 weeks to everyone I have/will splurge at about my children, expect posts1) needs Happy, Positive Miss Bowden not the naggy, shouty/screamy kind. Also the yearly swear should not come out until at least the week before the performance happens.
Basically, if you're emailing me and I seem to be ignoring you, I'm not.
If I haven't performed that DT action yet, I will, or I will at least talk to you about it before the 20th.
If I do not seem to be in the conversation, I probably am, I'm just dazed.
Hopefully ridiculous, ranty outpourings will help me siphon off the fear and let me sleep.