Sep 07, 2004 18:06
its a wonder how one person gone can change a house
no more creaking floors, cold room and new clothes
its amazing how a new person can make you feel
the hope is so big that you think everything will work itself out
its a pain in the back of your head when theres nothing left in the box
when theres nothing left in your heart to give out
when everythings been sucked up so hard
that your bodies left limp, with scars
why is 17 seeming so hard?
why wont halloween come quick
why can't you stop smoking cancer into your lungs
everythings out of control
your brother slept in your sisters empty bed last night
your parents slept at a hotel
so you slept on the wood floor
with the lonely kitty who got trapped in your kitchen dra today
suicide attempt
she could have died if the puppy had not barked at the rumbling sounds
throat could have closed up just like yours
the way it does when your mother speaks to you
when you can't answer her with words, just screams
so scilently though, with no sound
life to you has been mute
and you will continue to live with your black and white face
pressing up against a window that doesn't exist