Current NaNoWriMo Wordcount: 20,350
Last Sentence: He could have wept for the joy of it, but there was no time.
Last Line of Dialogue: "Get up," he said, dragging her to her feet. "Get up and run."
I am on a massive NaNo high right now. I'm 2,013 words ahead of schedule! :) Also,
this instrumental goes with my current scene PERFECTLY - I had my Two Steps From Hell playlist on shuffle, and this song came on just as I finished my last sprint. My characters are currently 'exit down mountainside, pursued by avalanche golem'. Ha.
Anyway, to celebrate, I thought I'd get around to finally sharing the rest of my photos from Snowdonia (and Hay-on-Wye).
This was the view from our bedroom window. It's incredible how much it changes as the sun rises - I took several photos within the course of a few minutes, and each one looks different.
On our way to Portmeirion, we met these sheep. Note that they are on the correct side of the road for pedestrians (although they could have been on the pavement...), and they trundled along in single file even as we passed them. I guess they knew where they were going.
I didn't really get any good photos of Portmeirion village, because it was quite shady and I just couldn't get the levels right. But here's an idea of it.
There's a tree stump in the woods completely covered in copper coins. They're left for faeries, hoping to bring good luck!
I cocked up the white balance here, and although I took another picture with the levels correct, I actually like this one best. I think it has a cool effect. :)
I am so ridiculously pleased with this one! We named him Cei (there was a Maine Coon cat at the hotel who I'd named Emrys, so we were sticking with the Arthurian theme). He was super friendly, and we sat on a cliff top and watched him catch insects.
My man looking badass on the beach (where he later proposed *grin*).
We followed what we thought was a legit path to get there, but it ended in us having to jump a chasm and clamber down this steep slope. A good adventure!
The tide going out on the main beach.
Yes, that is a welly in the sand.
This tunnel has been bricked up for as long I've been visiting Portmeirion; it was probably just an old route through the cliff to the cove on the other side of those rocks, but I like to imagine that it has a more secretive, fantastical history. One day I will set a story here.
I love this place.
Beddgelert Bridge, one of my favourite views. Also there's a really cool wood carving shop just down this road.
We had just been hit by a heavy hailstorm, and were about to be hit by another; here is the 12th century St. Mary's church, pictured as the sun sinks below the mountains.
We had already booked our evening meal at the hotel before we'd left that morning, but as it turned out it was a very acceptable engagement dinner! The hotel had originally been a farmhouse, and this is the original 16th century room. Gorgeous.
So yeh, getting engaged that afternoon was pretty cool, BUT LOOK I AM EATING AN ACTUAL PUDDING. BEST DAY EVER. Since becoming lactose intolerant I NEVER get to have a proper pudding when we eat out. But the chef made it specially for me. :) The hotel was called Sygun Fawr, by the way, and I 110% recommend it if you ever find yourself in the area. I can't wait to go back. Honeymoon, maybe? :P
On our way home from Beddgelert, via Hay-on-Wye, we foolishly followed the sat navs instructions when it said to take a sharp right off the A road we were travelling on. We realised our mistake as soon as we turned down onto a VERY steep, VERY narrow road, but as there was no room to turn round - and Ben's car physically could not reverse back up the hill as it was so steep - we had no choice but to go on. For six miles! Six miles of steep, narrow roads with no passing places. It was a miracle we never met any oncoming traffic. I took this photo on the widest part of the road; before that, the hedgerow had been right up to the tarmac.
Hay-on-Wye, for those who don't know, is known as the Town of Books and is famous for its many second-hand bookshops. Here are a couple of bookshop rooms:
Note the road outside the crime fiction bookshop. :)
My mum passed on her Jill books to me when I was little, and they were a big influence on my early stories. We found some original ink illustrations from them!
...Yes, that is real.