Songs What I Does Like: Chapter Eleven

Aug 08, 2013 20:26

More musical joy!

"Spirit of the Snow", Fox Amoore (listen here)
Fox's music is part of my writing soundtrack; specifically, for the lighter stuff, as it's very sweet and easy-going and, to be honest, quite beautiful. This was a new track that popped up on my FB feed; the first minute or so isn't really my thing (a little bit twee), but when the female vocals kick in at 1:47? And then the music builds up into awesome? And then a choir towards the end?! Oh em gee, I love it.

"Cynddylan," Mörrighan (listen here)
Celtic/folk Metal
OMG. A band named after my favourite goddess, with a song about one of my favourite historical figures? AWESOME. Luckily, it's also brilliant musically. I love how it starts gentle and then you get that big deep drumbeat to accompany the fiddles. Glorious. And then when the song really gets going, I dare you not to get up and dance! So catchy! Her voice is really pretty, too. I wasn't aware of this band before I stumbled across this song, but they are definitely going on my list of ones to watch.

"We Are", Revolution Harmony (listen here)
Experimental/progressive metal
I posted this already, because really - Devin Townsend, Serj Tankian AND Ihsahn? In one song?! AAAAAAA. That is all you need to know.

"Jack Sparrow," The Lonely Island feat. Michael Bolton (listen here)
Comedy hip hop
I literally have no idea how I missed this one. You are probably all aware of The Lonely Island, so won't need an introduction to them - but if you haven't heard the song before, then you absolutely must. Pure genius. Oh, and also, I do genuinely like the Michael Bolton part (he performed my FAVOURITE EVER Disney song, by the way: "Go The Distance", from Hercules <3 How is that film so old?! HOW AM I SO OLD).

"Why So Lonely," The 3rd And The Mortal (listen here)
Experimental metal (ethereal)
Sharing this one because vocalist Kari Rueslåtten, whose solo album Spindelsinn is one of my favourites and one I went to great lengths to find, has just announced a new album (her first for eight years) which will be headed by a remake of this song, featuring Nightwish's Tuomas Holopainen! *glee* So I am very much looking forward to that. It's a very pretty song, and the lyrics are lovely.

"Hajdútánc", Dalriada (listen here)
Folk metal
I have a LOT of time for a song that can make me want to dance from the first note - and this is definitely one of them. I was also excited because I thought the female vocalist could sing clean and harsh (something I love), but on closer inspection I think she might just be miming those parts while one of the blokes sing ... hmm. Anyway, this track is basically one long danceathon. I would love to fling myself into a jig pit while this played. Also I've just discovered that Dalriada, also spelt Dál Riata, was a Gaelic kingdom on the western coast of Scotland - aka, Pictland. FUCK YEH PICTS. \m/

music: instrumental, history: picts, songs what i does like, music: folk metal, music: metal as fuck

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