100 Photos Meme: day 8

Jul 21, 2013 23:51

I'm cheating again, but let's be honest ... how can anyone choose just one picture for this prompt? And this is by no means the definitive collection.

Clockwise from top left in no particular order: 1) The day I rescued a crow, and he became my friend for a few days until I sent him back to the wild; 2) when I visited that awesome rainechan and went to my first ever Ren Faire; 3) when we took the Shires down to a cold Norfolk beach one snowy day and rode in the sea; 4) when glenatron took me for a surprise trip on the Saxonia, before we became an item, and I GOT TO FREAKIN' STEER. LOOK AT EVERYONE TRYING TO SCRAMBLE TO SAFETY. AHAHAHAHAHA.

Day 8- A picture of the best moment of your life

i like big boats and i can not lie, meme: photos, today was a good day, photos: adventures, photos: shires, friends: admiral benbow, meme: 100 photos, too much excitement for one little sari, photos: me, friend: sky pirate raine, photos: animals

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