(no subject)

Aug 26, 2012 01:34

Sebastian Smythe
So far, the end of the summer was not how Sebastian was expecting it. If anything, he was amused. The idea that he'd be taking any of the Warblers out clubbing? Not on his list of things he'd ever see to happen in this lifetime. Plus, it being Trent of all people? Not that he had any issue with him. In all honesty, the Warblers were probably the only people Sebastian had any sort of respect for. Last year, they shouldn't have forgiven him. Things had gotten out of control, but in the end, it had been sorted out in the best way it could. The people that mattered (The Warblers, Blaine) were on his good side, so he didn't care about anyone else. Grabbing his keys, he headed into the garage, eyes looking between the cars. Finally settling on the cherry red porsche (who didn't like making an entrance?) he sent Trent a quick text that he was his way. Luckily he knew where everyone lived. Emergency contacts were useful for something after all.

trent warbler
Trent was bubbling over with excitement when he received the text from Sebastian saying he was on his way. Clubbing definitely wasn't his normal scene, but he was itching to get out of the house and do something, anything. And with everything that had happened through out the summer, he was looking for a distraction. He was already wearing a dark pair of jeans, but once he knew Sebastian was on the way, he pulled on a black button down shirt that had some subtle silve striping, and rolled the sleeves up to his elbows. He pulled on some sneakers, then checked in the mirror to make sure that his hair was perfectly styled. He grabbed the overnight bag he'd packed so his mom wouldn't question where he was going, and stepped out front to wait.

Sebastian Smythe
Pulling up, Sebastian hummed to himself. The night had potential to be interesting, that was definitely for sure. He wondered how exactly it would play out. It could play out in at least three ways, and Sebastian was still debating which could be the most interesting of outcomes. That would have to be decided later, he decided, as he glanced down at himself once more. Tight jeans, a crisp blue shirt, and his leather jacket for later, and the night was pretty much set. His attention was caught on Trent when he finally saw him, and he gestured to come on. "I'm impressed," he commented, rolling down the window, "You don't look nearly as bad as I was expecting." He was mostly kidding. If anything, he knew anyone who went to Dalton knew how to dress. That was something, at least.

trent warbler
Trent was grinning when Sebastian's car pulled up, but he rolled his eyes at the other's comment. "I am gay, you know." He opened the door and got in, pulling on his seatbelt. "Nice car." He was practically bouncing with excitement. He'd never actually thought he'd be able to convince Sebastian to take him out like this.

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian snorted, "And that doesn't particularly mean anything. Style is all about actually knowing what's what, not who you fuck." He rolled his eyes. He'd heard that idea far too much for his liking. He hardly ever put much effort into anything. He pulled back onto the road, glancing over at Trent briefly, before smirking, "And thanks. It was a debate between cars tonight. I had three choices, but I thought this one would say what I wanted to say best." Which was basically just 'look at me.'

trent warbler
"Trust me, I know." Trent pulled down the visor to check his hair in the mirror one more time. "Anyway, I read your clothing rules and all that. You didn't have to worry so much." He pushed the visor back up and settled back into the comfortable seat. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes again at all the smirking that was going on. "What, that you have far much more money than you know what to do with?" His voice was teasing.

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian nodded, "What's the point of having all that money and not using it? It just sits there. Might as well do something fun and entertaining. And if it means wasting it on my rides, why not?" It wasn't like the money was going anywhere, and he didn't mind wasting it on his friends when he could. He nodded behind him, towards his jacket, "I got you a fake id. It's actually a good one." He gave Trent a brief, lingering look. "Unless you already had one? Mine will be better though, I can promise that."

trent warbler
"This is very fun." He ran his hand along the side of the car, admiring it. He didn't really know that much about cars, but he wasn't blind. "Oh." He blinked at Sebastian. He hadn't even thought of the fact that he'd need a fake I.D. "Great, thanks. I'm sure it's fine." He grinned. Of course, he was underage. He'd been so worried about what he was going to wear, he hadn't even considered that.

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian grinned, not taking his eyes off the road. "If you think this is fun, wait til we get to the club." If it was this easy to please someone, the night would be easy. "If we'd gone to Scandals, I wouldn't have put much effort into it. But we're going to an actual club, that cares, so the cheap little ones I usually get people won't pass here." He snorted at the thought of the ones he'd gotten Blaine and his little princess. Those had been cheaply made and he hadn't given them much effort. The real deal? Much better.

trent warbler
Trent grinned back. "I feel so special." He'd heard some of what had happened when Sebastian had taken Blaine and Kurt to Scandals, and he was somewhat relieved that he was getting to go somewhere nicer. He tugged his phone out of his pocket and glanced it, then texted Nick and Jeff quickly to let them know that he'd left his parents. He needed them to cover for him in case his mom started looking for him for some reason.

Sebastian Smythe
"Oh, you are. Definitely nicer to you than I am to most people." Sebastian shrugged. He was. Maybe nicer than he should be, but he had no reason to dislike him, nor was there an audience to be snappish at someone in front of. It made things a little easier that way. And it was nice to have actual friends sometimes. Not that he'd be saying that out loud any time soon. "Who are you texting over there so intently?"

trent warbler
"Don't think I haven't noticed that," Trent glanced at him with a smile. "It's nice. I like this side of you." He texted for a few more moments, then pocketed his phone. "Sorry. I told my mom that I'm at Nick's, so I just wanted to make sure he knew to cover for me."

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian made a face, nose scrunching at the thought. He wasn't sure he liked this side all that much. "Hmm, I suppose it's alright. Just don't tell anyone. I still have my image." Not that it seemed to matter here. At Trent's words, Sebastian laughed, "I'm amused. You should just tell her you're staying over at mine next time." He raised his eyebrows at him, glancing over when he pulled up to a light, "I go clubbing two or three times a month."

trent warbler
Trent giggled. "No one would believe me anyway." He paused at what Sebastian said next. He was already planning on taking Trent again? How awesome was that. Trent just needed to not completely embarrass him and scare him off. "Well soon we'll be back at school and then she won't know where I am anyway. But good to know."

Sebastian Smythe
"A few people might, so this can't be a good thing." He considered the idea of school. "Well. There's always the excuse of late Warbler practices. Which I might just have to do so it's an actual cover. If we can recruit, we can find some kind of excuse to be off campus." Now he'd spend the next few weeks trying to work out a new plan. So many possibilities.

trent warbler
He shook his head. Why Sebastian didn't want anyone to know he was nice was beyond him, but whatever. "You're terrible." Using Warbler practice as an excuse to go out clubbing... that might be one step farther into this rebellious world than Trent was willing to go. He sighed, tugging his phone out of his pocket. It kept vibrating as he was texted, and it was getting annoying. He glanced at the screen and then shoved it back into his pocket.

Sebastian Smythe
"Nah. It's called 'using all our resources.' It's smart. I've used lacrosse as an excuse before to be out. It's perfect when you need something quick." He pulled up in front of the club, another branch of his favorite club, Pulse. Eyes slinking down the street, trying to find something close by for parking. There wasn't. Which meant alley way it was. They alley ways were actually clean around here. It had advantages. He grabbed his jacket from the back and pulled the id out, handing it to Trent. "It's useful. Are you ready for some fun?"

trent warbler
Trent stared out the window at the club. It was... cool. He couldn't believe he was really doing this. When they were parked, he unbuckled and looked at Sebastian. "I'm ready." He was a little nervous, but he accepted the ID, trying not to show it. "Thanks." He got out of the car and smoothed down his shirt.

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian laid a hand gently on his back, guiding him back out onto the street. Unshockingly (to him, anyway) he walked right by the line of people, ignoring their calls of protest. He was beyond the lines at this point. At least here. Whenever he was in Westerville, this was his only haunt. He handed the bouncer his id, hand still on Trent, as he casually yelled above the music, "He's with me!" The bouncer gave him a nod, turning to Trent after handing back Sebastian's. Everyone knew him by now, and if you didn't, it didn't take long.

trent warbler
Trent walked along with Sebastian and looked at the long line of people curiously. It looked like this was a popular place. He looked at Sebastian, raising an eyebrow in surprise as they completely bypassed the line. He shook his head with a laugh and offered the bouncer his ID. He hadn't actually looked at it, so hopefully Sebastian was right about it being believeable.

Sebastian Smythe
The bouncer briefly looked it over, before handing it back, and nodding them through. Sebastian wasn't worried. He wouldn't have dished the cash out for that id if he hadn't thought it would work. Plus, being with him? Not to make his ego larger than it was, but they usually never gave him or anyone he was with an issue. That was the advantage of money. Sebastian liked to flaunt it. The music was deafening when they stepped inside, and Sebastian glanced around, eyes darting around the room. "Dancing or the bar first?" he asked, trying to shout above the music.

trent warbler
Trent took the ID back and pocketed it before following Sebastian inside. He looked around, trying to keep the awed expression off his face. It was just like he'd imagined from watching movies. It was loud. Cool. Fun. He grinned widely at Sebastian. "Let's get a drink." He answered loudly. It would probably make dancing more fun.

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian nodded, heading in the direction of the bar. When they approached, his eyes scanned over the drink menu, looking for the drinks of the night, before scanning the guys standing near the bar. It was crowded, and a typical Saturday night. It would be fun. But for now, his eyes landed back on Trent, "What do you feel like?"

trent warbler
Trent didn't know where to look. His head darted around as he tried to take everything in. He had definitely never been in a room with so many gay men. He glanced over when he heard Sebastian's voice. "Sorry, what?" He blinked at him, then glanced at the bar. "Oh. Ah. Whatever you're having is fine." He drank but he'd never been somewhere where he had much say over what he was drinking.

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian shrugged, "I tend to just drink a beer first. I need to be far drunker before I'll start ordering the more interesting fruity drinks." He ducked down to whisper against Trent's ear, "There's a drink called Orgasm. Just thought you'd like to know." He winked at him, before going back to the menu, persuing it, "Something light or strong for your first drink of the night?"

trent warbler
Trent liked fruity drinks, but he understood what Sebastian was saying. He froze, feeling the other's breath against his ear, and he knew he was blushing at what he'd said. "Good... to know." He glanced at the menu, trying to get himself under control. "Strong, I think." He needed it.

Sebastian Smythe
"Let's both just start with rum and coke then," Sebastian suggested, and signalled the bartender, quickly ordering the drinks. He nodded to the question of adding to his normal tab, and glanced at Trent, "Feel free to get whatever. I have an open tab here. And if you meet someone, get them a drink, or whatever. I don't care." Sebastian picked up one of the glasses and offered it to him a few seconds later.

trent warbler
"Sounds good." He glanced around again, looking back at Sebastian when he was being talked to. "Oh... thank you. Are you sure?" He was pretty sure Sebastian didn't know how bad his financial situation was at the moment, and he hated to take handouts... but Sebastian obviously didn't mind. "Thanks." He accepted the glass and took a sip. It was good, didn't taste too much like alcohol.

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian gave him a brief 'Are you that stupid?' look. "Of course I'm sure. I wouldn't have dragged you to a club if I wasn't willing to do whatever you wanted drink wise. I'm not that lousy of a date." The word was used dismissively, because he pretty much took nothing seriously, and wasn't even paying attention to the wording. His eyes scanned the guys nearest to them on the dance floor. He knew a few from recent outings, but more people that he didn't know. "So, what's your type, hmm?"

trent warbler
"Well thank you." Trent flushed again at Sebastian calling it a date. He was sure he didn't mean anything by it, but with all the teasing he'd received from Nick and Jeff, he couldn't ignore the fact that he was out. With Sebastian. Even if they were potentially picking up other guys. He bit his lip, glancing out at the crowd. He wasn't sure how to explain his type.

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian slid up a little closer to him, leaning into his personal space, "C'mon, Trent. You can tell me. We can find some hot piece for you to dance with. After I claim a first dance with you." Because honestly, Sebastian was curious about how well he could dance before anything else. "So, spill."

trent warbler
Trent took a large gulp of his drink, and glanced out of the corner of his eye at Sebastian, who was much closer all of the sudden. "Um. Well." He hesitated, trying to figure out how to put it into words, but he really did not know how. "Well. Blaine. Kind of. You know. Not actually him, but that type. ..." He looked away, drinking again. Hopefully Sebastian wouldn't tease him for that.

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian raised an eyebrow at his words, "Blaine's type? Blaine has a nice ass," Sebastian mused, "What exactly about him? Hot, short, what else...?" He was probably implying personality as well, but that wouldn't get him very far in the club. He scanned through the crowds, looking at the different guys gyrating to the music.

trent warbler
Trent came very close to snorting out his drink, which would not have been cool and would probably have fallen into the embarrass Sebastian category. "He does..." He murmured, trying not to think about it. He shouldn't. "The short thing isn't necessarily that important... but... the dark hair... some muscle, but not too much. Masculine but well groomed..." He shrugged. It was very difficult to put what he liked into words. "You'd fall into that category too, I suppose, if I didn't know your personality." He made sure that it was obvious he was teasing. He actually liked Sebastian a lot, most of the time.

Sebastian Smythe
"Oh, do I now?" he practically purred. Sebastian leaned in close, repeating the action from earlier, warm breath ghosting across his ear. "Then maybe it'll be just me and you tonight. We'll find you someone next time. I need time to figure out who could possibly work out for your 'type,'" Sebastian grinned slowly. But in all honestly, he had never planned to actually ditch Trent that night. Not on his first night at the club. That was just mean, and Sebastian knew what kind of guys lurked around if you didn't know how to handle them.

trent warbler
Trent jumped, pulling away just enough so he could turn and tilt his head up to look Sebastian in the eye. He hadn't taken any of Nick or Jeff's teasing seriously. He'd never actually though he had a chance of holding Sebastian's attention once they were here. " I think... I'm okay with that." He smiled a little, trying to look more confident than he was suddenly feeling. He was way out of his comfort zone.

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian sipped from his drink for a moment, eyes still lingering around the club. "Want to try dancing or shall we drink a little more first? Whatever will get you dancing best." He stayed where he was, just behind Trent, looking at him curiously. "We have all night for both. And if we get bored here, there's another club down the street we can go to."

trent warbler
"I promised Nick I'd do a shot for him," Trent admitted, "But then I think we should dance." He finished his drink and set the glass down with a smile. "Do you want to do a shot with me?"

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian tilted his head, looking down at Trent, before shrugging, and stepping back. "Sure. That means you'll just have to do a couple of them. You need to do one for yourself." He grinned slowly, before downing the rest of the drink, and catching the bartender's attention again. "What do you want your first shot of the night to be of?"

trent warbler
Trent nodded in agreement. On one hand, he knew it was a very bad idea to let himself get drunk in a situation like this. But on the other hand, he'd promised himself that he was really going to let loose tonight and see what it was like to not always be the responsible one. "Surprise me," he answered, lip turning up in amusement.

Sebastian Smythe
"Mmm, alright then," Sebastian mused, glancing down at Trent for a moment, before glancing back, "Four shots of tequila," he ordered. After a moment, he shoved two down in front of Trent. "We'll start with these. And after that, your turn to start being adventerous." He picked one up, waiting for Trent do to the same.

trent warbler
He looked at the shots in slight surprise and picked one up warily. Sebastian wasn't messing around. Trent held the glass up and waited until Sebastian threw the shot back, then did the same. He managed to swallow it down, but he coughed a little at the burn.

Sebastian Smythe
"Tequila is my favorite," Sebastian admitted, "At least for this. Ready for the second one?" The first did nothing for him, but he knew as soon as he downed the second, he'd start to be even freer with the flirting. But wasn't that the point of this? It was fun and he liked Trent, and actually clubbing with a friend was more fun. He didn't wait for Trent to answer, quickly downing the shot and slamming the shot glass onto the bar counter.

trent warbler
As far as Trent knew, that had been his first taste of tequila, although he could never be quite sure what was in the crazy alcoholic concoctions Jeff liked to make. He waited a little until the burning in his throat died down, and then did the other shot. He coughed again. That was definitely enough alcohol for the moment. He wanted to be able to stand up straight long enough to dance.

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian looked at him with a little concern, pausing, because it was now obvious that it was the first time with that particular shot, "Are you okay? We should dance now if you're ready." The music was loud and pulsing, and that was the best kind of dancing, when you couldn't hear or feel anything except the thrum of the music.

trent warbler
"I'm fine," he replied with a quick smile. "And yes, let's dance!" He'd been paying some attention to how people were dancing while they were checking guys out. He wanted to make sure he wasn't embarrassing. He definitely had some moves, so he wasn't too worried. "Okay, let's go!"

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian nodded, pushing away from the bar, and heading in the direction of the mass of guys. He slowly pushed his way between guys, ignoring the tug on the arm from a random blond. He only had attention for Trent at the moment. If someone was interesting enough, maybe he'd pay them attention later. "Make sure we dance close," Sebastian told him, a small smirk lingering on his lips.

trent warbler
Trent followed Sebastian into the crowd, pushing his way through several people. The music had a loud, pounding beat, and he easily began to move along with it. He nodded at Sebastian, stepping closer. He didn't know how close he meant... Hopefully not as close as some of the couples that looked like they were about to start ripping one another's clothes off at any moment.

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian grinned, pleasantly surprised that Trent was actually a pretty good dancer. Maybe they'd have to incorporate more into their future song selections for the compeitions. This would open up so much more for them. He shifted a little closer to Trent, but still far enough away. He closed his eyes, letting the music wash away all the previous thoughts. Now was not the time for work. It was all play time.

trent warbler
If Trent had known that Sebastian was thinking about the warblers in the middle of a dance floor surrounded by hot men, he would have been so proud. He was actually watching Sebastian dance, and hoping that he was checking him out subtly. There was a nice buzzing in his mind, making him care just a little less about what might happen if he got caught.

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian opened his eyes again, making sure to catch Trent's eye, because honestly? He was there just to have fun with him, and it still kind of surprised him how much he was having with him. The different setting? Definitely helping him out right now. He gently touched a hand to Trent's shoulder, letting a hand trail carefully down.

trent warbler
Trent's eyes followed Sebastian's hand as it touched him, and he felt a thrill run through him. He was actually doing this, and Sebastian actually seemed interested. He flashed the other man a grin just before someone behind Trent bumped into him and he stumbled forward slightly up against Sebastian.

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian stumbled backwards himself a step, but he easily straightened up, and he slid his hands down to Trent's hips, keeping him steady, and not letting him pull away, "Now, this?" Sebastian grinned, "My kind of dancing. I'm definitely not letting you go right now." He listened to the music for a second, finding a new rhythm to move with.

trent warbler
Trent opened his mouth to apologize, but Sebastian didn't seem to mind their being closer in the least. He bit his lip, reaching up to put a hand on Sebastian's shoulder, and did his best to relax and keep dancing. He was sure his cheeks were red, but hopefully the dim lighting of the club was covering that up.

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian slowly leaned in closer, his hands squeezing gently. He could feel and see the nervousness just rolling off him, and he was quiet, when he whispered against his ear, "You don't need to be nervous. Just... dance." He pressed against him, keeping a pace to the music, which just seemed to get louder in his head, the closer he moved to Trent.

trent warbler
Trent nodded slightly, closing his eyes, and tried to concentrate on dancing. It was a little bit difficult with someone as hot as Sebastian pressed against him, but he thought he was doing a decent job.

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian grinned, "I wish I'd known you danced like this. Maybe I would have paid more attention to you this summer." Or maybe not. Sebastian had been too busy, which now he regretted, because there would have been far too many more interesting things to do instead. "Now to make up for lost time."

trent warbler
Trent grinned at that, relaxing more. "I wish I'd tried to talk you into bringing me out sooner." Although at the beginning of the summer he probably wouldn't have been so eager to break so many rules and go out. Things had changed quite a bit in the past few months.

Sebastian Smythe
"Better time now. A lot of interesting nights are coming up in the next few months. Themes and such." This club was never boring. He leaned down, nuzzling his nose briefly against his neck, breathing in Trent's scent, before pulling away quickly, because that was... Sebastian didn't even know. "I think I need another drink," he muttered, because he didn't know what was doing anymore. He wasn't drunk enough to be weird yet.

trent warbler
"Oh real-" he paused, looking at Sebastian in surprise. But maybe he'd just imagined it. "Another drink sounds great." He stepped back, taking a deep breath as they seperated, then reached for Sebastian's hand and headed back toward the bar. He really did not actually need another drink, but... That didn't mean he didn't want one.

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian glanced down at their hands, not sure what to make of it, and followed Trent to the bar. He glanced at the menu, not really seeing it. "You pick something. I'll take whatever you're having." He was definitely too confused to decide on a drink. Because it wasn't the worse thing to ever have happened to him. He didn't... mind it, actually.

trent warbler
Trent dropped his hand when they reached the bar and picked up the menu. He glanced it over, then looked over at Sebastian. "If you're sure." It took him a few minutes to get the bartender's attention but then he ordered two cosmopolitains. He'd always wanted to try one, and the thought of Sebastian with a pink drink amused him for some reason.

Sebastian Smythe
He glanced up at the sound of the order and he made a face, because he had to, "Cosmo, really?" Sebastian sighed, but it was his own fault. Those were definitely a drink he needed to be drunker for to order. But alcohol was alcohol, and that's all he really wanted right now. "So, what do you think so far?"

trent warbler
He laughed. "You kind of asked for it, you know." He leaned against the bar to wait for their drinks. "This is fun. Crazy. I honestly can't believe I'm here."

Sebastian Smythe
"But I didn't think you'd order that," he protested, because really? No. Just. No. "I'm going to need at least another three or four shots to live this one down." He grinned a little though, because yeah okay, it wasn't that bad. "It's not that crazy. Crazy would have been not coming at all."

trent warbler
"Three or four more shots and you'll be carrying me out of here." Trent laughed. Sebastian's smile made his smile grow. He really was so handsome. "You're right. What have I been wasting my time on all my life?"

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian nodded his thanks when the drinks were placed in front of them, and he quickly downed half the drink. This was one of those stupid straw drinks, but he didn't care. He'd sip slowly at something else later. He needed to keep his mind from wandering. That was important. But the rum, two shots, and half a cosmo, were definitely starting to make him feel warmer. But that could also be catching Trent's gaze. Sebastian didn't know. "You were following the rules. That only gets you so far. But it suits you," Sebastian shrugged.

trent warbler
The only thing that would have made the pink drink better would have been if it had a little umbrella in it. Trent drank his happily, nodding at Sebastian's statement. "It's me, most of the time. But not always. I'm...experimenting. I suppose."

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian hated that his curiousity was growing from that statement alone, "And... what exactly are you experimenting with?" He leaned against the bar, shifting so he was close to Trent, watching him. It was turning out to be an interesting night.

trent warbler
He shrugged. "Not being perfect. Not doing what everyone expects from me. It certainly hasn't gotten me where I wanted. And now, I don't know what I want anymore..." His whole life had changed this summer, and he was having a hard time dealing with it.

Sebastian Smythe
"Not being perfect is a good thing. Who wants perfection?" Sebastian touched a shoulder against Trent's. "It makes life boring. When there are better things -- people -- to be doing." He tossed back the rest of his drink, pushing the glass away, and offering him a hand, "Let's go be unperfect on the dance floor again."

trent warbler
Trent snorted laughed at what Sebastian said and finished his drink as quickly as he could. He set down the glass, then accepted Sebastian's hand. "Sounds like a fabulous plan." He was a bit unsteady on his feet as they headed back out into the crowd of dancers.

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian remained silent while they found themselves among the throng of dancers, and he was stared down at Trent, pulling him back to the position they'd found themselves in before. "This okay?" he asked, voice low, and he didn't take eyes off him while he waited for the reply.

trent warbler
He hesitated for a moment as something in the way Sebastian spoke and looked at and touched him sent a thrill of want running through him. He nodded, swallowing hard, and slid his arms around Sebastian's neck.

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian let out a slow breath, because when he'd originally planned for the night, it had been nothing like this. He hadn't known what to think, but this? Hadn't even registered on his radar. Well, it had always been true, about not abandoning Trent to a sea of... well, guys, on his first night in a club. This wasn't a bad thing.

trent warbler
Trent's mind was spinning, and it wasn't just from the alcohol. He was very inexperienced, and he hadn't really thought for a moment that things would head in the direction they were. He'd really thought Sebastian would have lost interest in him by now and moved on to some of the older, sexy men that were dancing around them.

Sebastian Smythe
Any other time, that probably would have happened -- Sebastian had no explanation for why his attention wasn't drifting. He let a hand slide down Trent's side, a slow and constant drift of fingers. He wasn't particularly paying attention to what he was doing. "Hmm," he murmurmed lightly, not really thinking.

trent warbler
Trent shivered. He was pretty sure he was well on his way to being drunk. One of his hands was playing with the hair at the back of Sebastian's hair as they danced. "Hmm?" He echoed, wondering what the other was thinking about.

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian leaned slightly back into the touch at the back of his neck. "Just thinking," Sebastian shrugged, "About how I'm actually enjoying this. I was skeptical, because first time clubbing with people, can sometimes end in disaster. I was thinking it might happen tonight, but it's not." That's not the only thing that surprised him.

trent warbler
"Well I'm glad this isn't a disaster. I'm enjoying myself a lot." More than he'd expected. "Maybe next time I suggest we hang out you won't laugh at me." He grinned.

Sebastian Smythe
"Well," Sebastian said, eyeing him with amusement, "It all depends what you suggest for us to do. If it's something stupid, I'll probably laugh at you. I can't lie to your face." Because if it was... well. Sebastian had to be the honest one. Truth is a bitch sometimes.

trent warbler
"Well I can't expect you to just be nice. That would be too weird. You can laugh at my suggestions, as long as you know that I'm fun." He wasn't sure that had completely made sense, but it was going to have to do.

Sebastian Smythe
"I'll remember that you are fun while you're drunk, anyway," Sebastian snorted, "Or are you fun when you aren't drunk, too?" Now Sebastian was curious to know. "Now this is the burning question - what kind of fun things do you like to do?"

trent warbler
"I think I'm fun anyway..." He said thoughtfully, "But the alcohol is probably helping." He knew there was no way he'd be pressed up against Sebastian like he was without it, but he couldn't bring himself to mind. "Mm? Mostly things you think are dumb, I'm assuming. Movies, shopping, karaoke..."

Sebastian Smythe
"Yeah, I'd never do those three things. Maybe shopping, depending where we're at." Because Sebastian only shopped designer, and if it was anything less, it was definitely not somewhere like a mall. There were stores with higher class than mall shops. "We can try it sometime, maybe. But not anytime soon."

trent warbler
Trent laughed. "Well I'm open to suggestions. We could always just get coffee. I know you do that at least." Surprise flashed across his face as what they were talking about really hit him. He'd never thought he and Sebastian would be relaxed, hanging out, talking about spending time together. "You're really not nearly as much of an ass as you want people to think you are, are you?"

Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian nodded approval to the coffee, "That's one thing I will never not agree to. Dalton's coffee is actually good." It pained Sebastian to admit that, but for a school, private or not, it was better than what he expected. But at Trent's last question, Sebastian didn't reply for a long moment. Because... That wasn't an easy 'yes' or 'no' question. "Depends who I am talking to. There are a few people I dislike, and nothing will change that."

trent warbler
"I'm sure everyone has a few people they dislike," he murmured, slightly startled by Sebastian's honest answer. He kept expecting him to be his smart ass self and he really wasn't what Trent expected at all.

Sebastian Smythe
"I just don't bother to hide it," Sebastian shrugged. "No point in it. I am not going to pretend to like someone. What's the point?" Sebastian didn't understand why anyone would. And when someone grated on his nerves, he wasn't going to pretend they were the best thing ever. "What shall we do right now?" He'd leave the question open to Trent.

trent warbler
He shook his head, not knowing what to say to that. He thought Sebastian got a little carried away, but he also knew that he kept his true feelings about people covered up, which was bad too. "Um, I guess... Drink more?" He wasn't sure what else they could do besides keep dancing.

Sebastian Smythe
"Yes, we should do another shot," Sebastian decided quickly, slowly pulling away from Trent. Maybe if he had more to drink, the less he'd be able to think. Not that he needed less to think about, but thinking was slowly slipping into a dangerous territory.

ic, who:sassysongndnce, log, incomplete, aim log, trentbastian

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