Here are some photos of my most recent craft project - I recycled a sweater, turning it into a tote bag after felting it (well, really, I fulled it, but since most people call it felting, that's what I'll call it from here on out). Some of these are Project 365 photos (the last of this batch, in fact - after this post, I'M ALL CAUGHT UP! *happy dancing*).
I started out with this 100% wool sweater, which I bought in Scotland, but never wear because it's not really a good color for me. It's a nice sweater, though, and reminds me of a place I love, so I didn't want to get rid of it. When I saw a pattern on Ravelry for repurposing sweaters by turning them into tote bags, I decided to try it. Take note of the size of the sweater in comparison to the dime (on the floor under the sleeve in the left of the photo):
Next, comes the felting process, which involves very hot water, detergent and agitation:
Day 110 - Felted Sweater
After a couple of cycles, the sweater has been felted - shrunk to about half its original size (check out that dime, again), and it's now much thicker and individual stitches are no longer visible:
Day 111 - Sweater to Tote Bag
Next, I cut it up into "tote bag" shape:
And, after some hand-stitching, we have a tote bag:
Day 114 - Recycled Sweater Tote:
Now, I'll be able to carry around my knitting and crochet projects in this handy bag, which up until now, was sitting lonely in my closet. :)