Project 365, Day 72: And the Winner Is . . .

Jun 21, 2008 18:04

Day 72: And the Winner Is . . ., originally uploaded by Here Be Dragons.
Remember the contest I had a couple of weeks ago? To see if anyone could guess what I was going to make out of all those parts from the hardware store? It took me a bit longer than expected to actually build it (what with the strep throat and all), but I'm finally ready to announce the winner(s)!

There were some wonderful, creative guesses - many of which sounded very plausible (including kites and plant cabanas). But only one person guessed correctly . . .

Congratulations yokospungeon, who guessed that I was planning to build a photographic lightbox. That's it, in the photo above. :) Some goodies will be on their way to you in the mail very soon (I'll send you a PM for your address when I'm ready to mail the package). Well, done, Yoko!

I've also decided to award a prize for the guess which made me laugh the most; that goes to joyliveshere for guessing that I was building a boyfriend cage. Definitely a project to plan for the future. ;) Oh, and I also want to award an honorable mention to edda who guessed that the thing I was building would be temporary - that's important here, actually, since I definitely wanted to build something that could be taken apart and stored when not in use (the sides aren't glued into the PVC joints, so they come out easily and the whole thing collapses into a very small bundle). Prizes will be winging their way to these lovely ladies, as well!

Thanks to everyone who played! I do love a good contest. I also love my new lightbox, although I still might make a few adjustments (including trying a different weight of fabric, to see how that affects the light). Some photos taken in the lightbox will follow shortly. :)

365, photography, contest

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