Contest - Name My NaNo!

Nov 01, 2007 23:36

I think I'm done writing for tonight ( Read more... )

nano, contest

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Comments 27

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Re: You see, I asked Maeve... here_be_dragons November 2 2007, 15:45:44 UTC
I think Maeve gets a character named after her regardless of whether or not I use the name. Do you think she'd like to work in the bookstore, or would she rather be a vampire?


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here_be_dragons November 3 2007, 13:42:58 UTC
It's okay if she's Wiccan? If not, that's fine, but if so, I'm going to rename one of my major-ish characters after her, and she'll get to be in all three books. (Assuming I get around to writing the third one someday). :)

LOL! Also, Connor NEVER EVER wanted to wean. Seriously, when he was five years old, he was still trying to sneak up and get some "Keh" (that's what he always called nursing). Fortunately, he's finally stopped doing that (it would be frankly disturbing at age nine), but he really, really liked it and didn't want to stop. :D


martip November 2 2007, 04:07:11 UTC
Oh, Lord. My brain is dead, I'll have to think on it. Somethng about tube tops and Transylvania...

BTW, why are vampires ALWAYS young and sexy or old and dignified? I think there ought to be a wise-cracking, filthy-mouthed old white trash vampire named Betty Jo or something, who works nights at the Waffle House and snaps her gum.


here_be_dragons November 2 2007, 15:37:17 UTC
Ha ha ha ha! Oh, that's just too perfect. Not the Waffle House, though - she works at Zingo's (a truck stop which serves the BEST biscuits and gravy; I was there at 3 a.m. more times than I should admit in public). Bwahahah! But would someone like this set foot in a fantasy bookstore. Eh, why the hell not, right? Maybe I'll get her to play D&D with the group, too. She would definitely add a lot of color. And the dialogue! Oh, the dialogue! :)

Although you realize I'll have to name her Marti. (And use your "when I'm an old woman" icon as my mental image of her). ;)

J/K about the Marti thing. Bettie Jo sounds pretty good. :)


martip November 2 2007, 16:07:17 UTC
But would someone like this set foot in a fantasy bookstore.

Hmmm. That's a snag. Maybe she could be sorta related to one of the young bookstore employees. He could be terribly embarrassed that his Aunt Jo is so weird and brash in front of his cool geekish goth friends....

Sometimes an outrageous, flamboyant character is a good foil for the serious sexy ones. ;-) Plus they get to do irreverent snappy running commentary on what the protagonists are up to. Bob in the Dresden books is just a little like that.


here_be_dragons November 2 2007, 17:15:46 UTC
Yes! This could work. She can be the aunt of the tattooed punk sorta kid who works at the bookstore. He lives with her, because . . . well . . . he'll tell people that it's because his parents are dead. Which is true, only the reason they're dead is because they got old and died naturally, which didn't happen to him because he's a vampire! :D Maybe they'll convince her to play D&D. She could be a total hoot. Or amazingly obnoxious. Probably both.

She totally has dyed red hair, though. Bwah!

(There aren't really any serious sexy characters in this book, though. Everything is pretty much tongue-in-cheek. Mary is kind of like Stephanie Plum, if that gives you an idea. Although I wrote Mary this way long before I'd read anything by Evanovitch).


happy_potterer November 2 2007, 04:13:06 UTC
(Actually, there are vampires in the first book, only no one knew it; I didn't identify them as such).

Oh, you mean like Snape!

(Hope you don't mind my using your LJ to leave a little gift for Joy after her sad day.)


here_be_dragons November 2 2007, 15:38:17 UTC
YES! Exactly like Snape.


(Ignore the WTF in the icon; it's the only Snape one I have these days). :D


Another suggestion synergy November 2 2007, 04:26:53 UTC
I wanted to put in another suggestion, but of course I can only make one entry in the poll.

Anyway, here's my other suggestion: Windigo's Oblivion

The thesaurus is a wonderful thing. heh


Re: Another suggestion here_be_dragons November 3 2007, 15:14:27 UTC
Ooh! Is a Windigo a type of vampire? I've always thought of them as weird shape-shifting sort of creatures. Then again, in a way, that does describe vampires, too. Cool. :)


Re: Another suggestion synergy November 3 2007, 19:13:08 UTC
Well I would say it could be a Native American's word for a vampire going by the definition I was looking at:

1. (in the folklore of the Ojibwa and other Indians) a cannibalistic giant, the transformation of a person who has eaten human flesh.

Vampires don't eat flesh per se, but I could think they would look like they were if someone came along and saw them chomping down on someone.


syrinxkat November 2 2007, 15:22:14 UTC
Is this entry locked? Cuz catinthesun, one of our favorite Tucson ex-patriate wrimos, lives in Bakersfield and I'm sure she'd have some fabby insights :)


here_be_dragons November 2 2007, 15:33:08 UTC
Ooh! I'll unlock it now. Will you be so kind as to direct her to this post?


(I just hope she doesn't really love Bakersfield, as I'm not always complimentary about it. :D It has been more than a decade since I lived there, though, so it would be good to hear some more recent info. I drove through about three years ago, so I've at least *seen* it more recently, but I haven't really spent any time there since I left in 1991). :D

BTW, my fictional bookstore is housed in a real building - there's a big mortuary on Truxton Avenue which I've "stolen" for the sake of my book. My friend used to live in the upstairs, because her grandparents ran the place. In fact, AFAIK, they still run it, and she still lives there. I'm going to change the address a bit, though, otherwise it will be too easy for people to guess. Not sure if that's a problem or not. :)


syrinxkat November 2 2007, 15:37:36 UTC
She said Bakersfield is "Oklahoma in California", so love lost there ;) We're all having lunch today, so I'll make sure she finds her way here.
That's all the help I'm giving you, though, Ms. Word Count Champion :P
*sitting on her 1,101 words like a dragon on a hoard*


here_be_dragons November 2 2007, 15:43:45 UTC
LOL! Yeah, you know me. I type fast, and I just spew out whatever comes into my mind as fast as possible. :D It's all rubbish. Seriously, the stuff I wrote yesterday is bad, bad, bad ( ... )


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