Today's Twitter Posts

Sep 28, 2007 21:02

  • 18:06 Seems I'm like JKR when it comes to math; I bought a bookshelf for my closet, and it's WAY too tall to fit under the shelves. *facepalm* #
  • 20:50 If you like films, especially classic ones, have a look at this. I almost NEVER recommend videos, but this one is too good to miss: http ... #
  • 22:02 Have just edited a Wikipedia page. I feel like such a part of the internet when I do that. ;) (It was the page on will o' the wisps, btw). #
  • 23:30 Today I am grateful for a happy boy who had fun on his school field trip today. #
  • 23:31 I'm also grateful for finding room in my bedroom for the too-tall-for-my-closet bookshelf. :D #
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