The Votes Are In!

Jan 07, 2006 22:40

*wipes away tears of laughter*

Okay, so the Robin's Birthday Poll? BEST IDEA EVAH!!! :D OMG, I haven't laughed so hard in days!*

I have made a decision. AND I learned a few things, too.

My decision? She's going to get it now as a "just because gift," and will still get something else (probably NOT made of fimo, but you never know) on her birthday, because a whole lot of you thought it would be sad otherwise. So, Robin, you have many of my f-listers to thank for this bonus unbirthday present. (And yes, I also noticed how many of you called me a cheap LOSER, but we'll ignore that for now). ;)

I also learned that there are a great many sadists on my list . . . You guys wanted me to torture my own beloved SISTER? . . . Most excellent. *wicked grin*

And, apparently Robin is a popular little thing, since I'm the ONLY one who voted "that beyotch doesn't deserve another present." Bwahahahaha!

So, Robin, you can expect a package in the mail sometime soon. I'm pretty sure you're going to like it. :) And no, it's not made of fimo. ;)

*Big hugs all around* And thank to everyone who voted/commented in the poll! :)

* Oh, and Robin? Voting for "it would be so sad for her to not have something to open from her sissy?" SHAMELESS!!!!! Utterly shameless. And completely f*cking hilarious! Reminds me of something I would do. ;) I LOVE YOU!

ETA: Let the mocking begin . . . as synergybc just reminded me, there is some mocking that needs to be done . . . syrinxkat and edda are apparently unable to read directions! Bwah! Three lashes with a wet noodle! (Really, you two, blame Syn for this. I'd forgotten all about promising to mock people. And if you feel a need for revenge, well, there's that post with the link to my online dating profile. Really, there's LOADS of ammunition against me there). ;) :D :D :D

lj, friends, polls, silliness, robin

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