Apr 23, 2006 15:53
damn , im over due. i don't know where to begin. i was grounded for most of spring break & more because shit happens && my dad is crazy lol. but whatever. crashed my car , totalled it. so now i get my sister's car tomorrow after school. i haven't been doing anything except for sitting home. i barely see mikeyy anymore. it's not like it used to be where i would see him everyday weather he had shit to do or was with whoever. i miss that alottttt. i feel like im more into the relationship then he is.
well , other then mikeyyy .. i have just been sitting home. been off grounded since tuesday. hung out with mikeyy for a little that day he picked me up. then hung out with Nick && Nicole mostly all of wednesday. saw Quety [?] at subway. Matt && Suzie were there. foursome haha. i love suzie lol.Nicole && i decorated Nick's car windows KKK haha then me && nick came back here and watched Napolean Dinomite [?] never seen it before really then he left and i went to sleep. thursday , fight with mikeyy which i don't want to talk about :'[ then hung out with him , mike & mike's girl Christine for 420. me && terri were suposed to chill with Cuban and the crew but we had no rides lol. i HATE NOT HAViNG A CAR so i ended up with mikeyy && them. friday nothing , saturday something was SUPOSED TO HAPPEN but didn't like usual lately. but Bryan came over for a few hours while my dad went out to costos lol. we talked about alot of shit , like always when we are together. that was it for my nighttt yay , nottt ! then today ? NOTHiNG AGAiN YAY. haven't talked to the boyfriend since sometime yesterday afternoon , but it's okay .. thats how it's been lately like i said.
tomorrow if i don't go to Applebee's with terri and people me and Matt are going to go get our shirts for Digital Photo. well , either way were hanging out but yeah lol. since i get my car we won't have to worry about rides lol TWiN ♥ i just need to get out of this fucking house.
i am not the kind of person who can just sit around all day. no sorry , i have to do something. so thank god i get the car tomorrow lol.
lately , i have been really like sad ? i just mope around && cry all the time , there is alot i wish i could get out about whats wrong but i can't say shit to people or else they think im trying to fight. i haven't talked to big mikeyy in a while about everything so maybe thats why. i feel like i am just not fitting in people's lives anymore. not just them , but friends too. the only person i have been really chilling with is Nick && me && terri have been trying lol. same with Cuban && Tats ♥ no one else seems to bother. but the thing that sucks is that i didn't have a car for a while and ive been grounded.
i miss my old life && the friends.
i just want to go back about a month or two.
things were perfect in my view.
we were perfect.