(no subject)

Mar 01, 2006 22:00

haven't writen in here in a while. i have been wanting to , but just haven't. something is wrong , missing , or just completely incomplete. does that make sense ? i am writing this entry for me to let shit out because i have alot in. no need to comment unless you want to and could say something to figure me out.

me && mikeyy have been together for what , 2 weeks ? we have been talking for longer and all though. he is a great guy , most the time. well , all the time but if you know me then you know how i get very picky with everything when i am more then happy. he really means alot to me. his dad && brothers are the best. his dad is the only person i can really talk to. i tell him everything , it's really nice. mikeyy will be in his room with WHOEVER and i just sit out in the kitchen or where ever and i talk to him about everything that bothers me or anything. me && mikeyy aren't really close enough yet for me to talk to him about everything. that takes time , we have time. things so bother me about him , but i can't change the things he does. so i just don't hang around when he does them. i love most the time i spend with him , but we never really have "me && mikeyy" time. his friends are always there , even if it's just one. the only time i get to spend with him is earlllyyyy in the day , right before his friends get there. i don't mind at all , hanging out with him and his friends because i like that .. i am the girlfriend that loves to be with "him && his boys" but i don't care for Dom. yeah he can be real chill at times but others , he has a big mouth and i don't like that shit. i can deal with it though , i did with the ex and all his friends for 10 months straight .. and i didn't like any except like 2 of his friends. i can deal with the 1. it deffinitly won't be hard. mikeyy's been acting different lately .. his dad noticed it too. but i know people get like that sometimes so i'll just give him his space. i'll wait till he asks me to hang out , for a while.

Mikeyy's cousin passed about about 6 months ago. Aug. 27. we went to the memorial on the 6 months then went back to mikeyy's i was there till 10. i didn't cry till i got in my car to drive home i started thinking about Bobby && Jess. it really hurts to loose someone , we lost jess and it was hard. i can't begin to imagine how hard it is for mikeyy because he was really close with Bobby. i lost my cousin Michael but we weren't really that close in age.

Max , mikeyy's 12 year old brother .. he is my bestfriend lol. other then mikeyy's dad. i chilled with him and played madden & watched movies when mikeyy went to smackdown with dom and lauren. he is hilarious. i would chill with him anyday.

the main thing in my head is my dad. he went for surgery last thursday. he is still in alot of pain but getting alot better. i am so scared of loosing him. he isn't that old but for a father he is .. 67 yrs old. has had different types of cancer and always in and out of the hospital and back and forth to the doctor. idk what i would do if i just came home from school one day and he was just sleeping on the couch or something and just didn't wake up. idk how i would be able to call 911 or anything. it scares the shit out of me.

im done. going to lay down. thinking sounds good to me.

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