Dec 19, 2005 21:06
Saturday saw us celebrate our Friends' Christmas. It must be the third year that we've done this, and it's always a real pleasure to do. This year, there were a few more occasions to celebrate as well. We got together from 12pm, and started preparing our meal, so that we could sit down at 2:30pm/3pm for the full works. A great time was had by all. M commented to me later that she hadn't been so at ease and relaxed in a very long time. Strange to think that it's now less than six months before the two of us get married.
Today, I got to give blood again. It's something that I think is very important, and, now that I've got it down to a fine art, I won't let month ends at work stop me going. One of my work colleagues also gave blood for the first time today. The poor little lass had to go alone, as my appointment was moved to the afternoon. M is also thinking about starting donating, hopefully this Thursday.
I've been checking their website (, and their website, and blood stocks are very low. I'd like to think if I or mine needed it, it would be there. For some, I've already been grateful for its presence. It's becoming more important for me to keep at this. I'm always a little terrified of going, especially this time when I hadn't been in a while and didn't have anyone to go with. The thing is, it's really not such a big thing when I get there. Odd that.
As for those of you who would go but don't like needles, don't feel they can spare the time, don't want to, I've only got one thing to say:
Don't ever need it. Don't let any of yours ever need it.
Quite frankly, I know how important it is, and those who have needed to rely on it. I've got no sympathy for you.
It feels strange to think that Grandma Grace's funeral was but two weeks ago today. I'm doing my usual of finding it a bit difficult to deal with, not always making the time to face it directly. I'm dealing with it in little doses, here and there. It's reminded me again how few people I'm comfortable speaking to about very personal matters.
Christmas is coming soon. I'm just about ready for it, barring some wrapping that's going to need doing. With any luck, a dear friend of mine from uni days will be able to visit. For Christmas itself, M and I will be at her parents', before travelling up to see my parents on Boxing Day.
It's looking like we'll be with my parents again for New Year's Eve, which will be great, especially as K, T & L will also be there.
Life goes on and, overall, is good.
Merry Christmas*.
* or pick whatever damn celebration you like. For me, this is a time for friends, family and love.