Hot Topic Spree #7 - CLOSED, ORDERED, ARRIVED!

Sep 20, 2009 22:14

25% off ANY Order. Maximum 2 Batch.
Discounts will not be factored in for now, will offset international + local shipping.
therefore, i'm not collecting any shipping fees for first payment.

_spreee feedback: 6 Positive | 0 Negative
sprees_sg feedback: 69 Positive | 0 Negative - reference

House Rules
» Paid orders only, according to my IB history. Post after you pay.
» Please do not post or transfer after cap has been reached.
» No last-minute changes/cancellation of orders. Repost if you need to, but only before spree is closed.
» I will cancel the spree if the response is poor, or in the event of any unforeseen circumstances. Refunds will be made promptly if that happens!
» Please double check your order before you submit. I will not be responsible for any wrong items ordered.
» Add your items to cart and check if your item’s size and color is IN STOCK

Join spree only if you agree with the above.
Replies frozen = Payment Received & Order Taken.

1. Website you’re ordering from:

2. Spree cap/deadline:
USD199.99 Per Batch ONLY

3. Your contact details:

4. Payment options:
» For iBanking, please use your LJ-nick when transferring for identification.

There will be 2 Payments in total.
1st payment: Total Amt in USD * 1.47
2nd payment: International Shipping + Handling Fee (S$0.50) + Local Postage fees

5. Exchange rate:
USD1 = SGD1.47

6. Shipping methods:
» USD14.50 shipping from HOT TOPIC to VPOST --> 9 - 15 days to reach vPOST
» VPOST to ME --> 7 - 14 days to reach SG

Shipping Units:
+ 0.5: Light Accessories / Jewelery / Intimates
+ 1.0: Tops / Shorts
+ 1.5: Bottoms / Dresses / Sweaters
+ 2 - 3: Jeans / Bags etc
*These are only estimation. i will adjust your shipping units accordingly if your item is found to be more/less heavy.

NO BULKY items such as boots, shoes and jackets please!
(Flats or bags such backpacks allowed, but be prepared to fork out at least S$10 for shipping.)

7. Distribution of items:
» Local postage - Normal / Registered

8. Updates
» Detailed updates will be done via herdeadheart
» Mass emails will be sent:
(a) when items are ordered,
(b) when items are shipped, and
(c) when items have arrived

9. Format of Order

LJ Nick/Name:
Email Add: Empty = NO updates
Bank Account: For refunds if any; please double-check!

Item #1
Item Name:
Item Code:
Price in USD:
Alternative if OOS: (Price must be the same, or less. Provide URL, color, size)

Item #2
Item Name:
Item Code:
Price in USD:
Alternative if OOS: (Price must be the same, or less. Provide URL, color, size)

Total Number of Items:
Total Price of Items in USD:
Total in SGD: = (USD * 1.47) = SGD

Transaction Reference:
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